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Tuesday, August 30, 2005 [ tired ]
haha im so incredibly tired.
and blank don't cry cos of pms! cos its not worth my tears cos nothing's worth bitterness, unforgiveness, self-pity, pride [and big girls don't whine] only Jesus deserves anything. and i really mean anything. my devotion, my commitment, my heart, my life, my past, present, future. only Jesus deserves it. only He has proven trustworthy for me to share it with. and well really, only He is worthy of all my life all my praise all the glory. and when the world goes crazy, when people disappoint you and hurt you, when exams and practicals look foreign, when your dreams crash, when the future looks bleak, when pple change, circumstances change.. and you don't know why, Jesus is there, never-changing. ever-loving, ever-seeing and understanding.. so He's my solid rock on which i stand. my tower, my refuge, my shelter against the storms. the lover of my soul and again i don't know why.. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." now, it comes to living it out. where every minute of the day everything belongs to You. i no longer live but Christ lives in me. my desires fade and Yours reign. Your passion for my passion. love like You love. help me Lord give me strength to live a life of sheer obedience..
link | posted by chinesecochon at 9:40 PM |
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