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Monday, January 22, 2007 grace
a week flies by really quickly huh. been busy/tired with training, snr's farewell dinner and homework. its like living everyday back to back. nonstop just do and do. haha. don't have as much time as last week for quiet time.. hopefully i'll be more disciplined this week. friday night was OG bbq and i had tons and tons of fun. just laughing with/AT my OG ppl.. we were sooo high when walking back toward VJ after it ended. thanks for all the fun my iWaltz darlings haha =) and mayyee and i styrofoam-boxed andreas together, it was like just in a comedy lah. haaha hilarious, really. walkd back to pit 47 with pearly and got to talk to her lots, thks for sharing! tho she probably wont see this. haha. i really appreciated all that she cared to tell me. =) then we had a stay-over again. amelia pangsehd, (she had to go home?) and went to emo with her crewlet ppl at the beach (chunhan too). haha. then kenli didnt come also. sigh sad. then left mayyee for the stayover lor, but she had to sleep so... yah. oh yeah after i went home to bathe and came back to pit 47 right. there was this man who was alone and just screaming vulgarities at no one in particular. was quite scary. i thought that he was demon-possessed esp after all the stories wanlin/jean told me. yah but anws when he got a little too loud for comfort we decided to go back to sch. uh then what did we do huh? playd games. talked. then they all fell asleep super early. lol. after breakfast at parkway we all just stoned at macs and talked. haha. then we went orchard. studied at library after lunch, b4 we went home! yay. so, not TOO bad lah. didn't slack too much right? haha. and oh, i've become their abang. wow. i think i shdn't go for stayovers anymore if there aren't other girls around. it really felt a little weird at times.. i've learnt stuff about friendships. why friendships formed from church means so much more, because of the unity of the purpose and meaning we all have in our friendships. ultimately, to spur one another on toward love and good deeds.. and the unconditional, forgiving, almost unblemished love we give to one another. that actually comes from God. we love cos He first loved us. and tdy, we sang these lines; love thats stronger love that covers sin and takes the weight of the world He came to take the weight of the world upon His shoulders. all my burdens and fears. the guilt of missing the standard. my worries of not shining enough. the burden of legalism. all the things that made my heart heavy, He lifted it up. because of what He's done.. simply because of His grace, the unmerited favour. "His yoke is easy and His burden light". :) because of You i can walk with a bounce in my step and joy in my heart. without any heavy burdens. :) i love YOU! if only everyone, esp those close to my heart.. could know this love that Jesus gives. how He removes the dark things and replaces it with light. i can only pray! and i will believe and continue having faith! :) have a good week ahead people. =)
link | posted by chinesecochon at 12:11 AM |
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