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Wednesday, September 28, 2005 [ misplaced motivations ]
sucks. people know, but ultimately God knows the innermost parts.. and against You only have i sinned. sorry Lord.. tho my sins are like scarlet, cleanse me & i shall b whiter than the snow... there are many things which i do for recognition, for achievement. sometimes, unknowingly, sneakily, i let my worth be built on my achievements. nope. my worth is to be built on Jesus Christ Himself. 6points doesnt make any sense without Jesus Christ as the focus. getting back of results made me think again. sometimes its so tempting, i get sucked into thinking how sweet worldly success will be. how i want to be driven for career and success. how attractive the lure. pple will see you in a different light because of ur car, ur career, ur credentials. u'll appear a cut above the rest. and isnt tt wad my life is like? all my life i strive to be a cut above the rest. to b successful. but i was gently reminded, to examine my motives.. its fine to strive to be a cut above the rest, but only when it comes to pursuits for the kingdom of God. i shd put all my energies into running the race for His kingdom. and i guess i got distracted by the worldly stuff ard. the glitter of it all. nooo i shd not get distracted. i shd not even think of that. i shd not let anything replace my first love. LORD help me! forgive me for my pride. forgive me not obeying. sigh. ultimately its the pride. for the glory of myself. PAH! i wanna live a life which brings NONE of the glory to myself but ALL of the glory to Him. tt i'll take on His attitude, in humility consider others better than myself. what matters is the action i take. the choice i make. not the things i say. i disgust myself sometimes.
link | posted by chinesecochon at 10:04 PM |
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