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Saturday, October 08, 2005 [ GAP ]
went for GAP last night, was really encouraging, to meet up with YM-ers "who call on the Lord out of a pure heart". guess God is really doing a mighty work - bertram shared wad was on my mind too.
revival does not come with pomp and flare, it comes in all the little decisions that we make each day we live. revival starts in us when we decide to surrender every choice tt we hv to Jesus. when a teacher is really incompetent, you still choose to submit to her. when pple misunderstd you, you choose to be meek+gentle and not strike out defensively. when everybody around you doesn't obey cos apparently "it doesnt matter lah", you choose to obey cos u know tts wad Abba wants of His children. when it feels like nobody is praying alongside you and labouring for the harvest, you choose to continue cos tts living a life worthy of ur calling. when it becomes unpopular and uncomfortable, thats when revival will come. its better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 1 Pet 3:7 its time to stop dwelling in our comfortable places and being indifferent, and become passionate soldiers, who take up the cross and "follow Him". it just takes one lone person to start and spark the revival. then, everybody will catch the fire. Father, let tt be my heart's cry..
link | posted by chinesecochon at 12:25 PM |
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