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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
the gastritis experience <3 netball! nazri and undies grace lessons on faith! O1's over! SYC cont'd... SYC 1st 3 days!! Malachi 3:16 leave now, bye!
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Friday, February 16, 2007 06HOUSE
ahh what a week! :)
let's see. hsecomm interviews were finally over and done with. aquila was with lynx! oh my i tell u, we (especially cheryl and i) were SO bitchy, mean, rude, irritating, and just plain inhuman. seriously i think i should be slapped in the face. and my behaviour almost certainly qualified as sth to be bitched about behind my back. now that everything's over.. just wanna say SORRY to everyone i traumatised. really, 06HOUSE are all nice people! its just that we have to be like that for the interviews! we didn't mean much of what we said! we love you ppl! =D haha yupp, there were some reallly memorable things that some people did, but i wont mention here cos its like uh. unfair to give ppl special mention. and also, its like when jennhaur said, you'll know how to pick when you see them. quite true lah. if you can do it, you'll just have it. lol. i was just uh, half-emoing with cheryl yesterday and thinking about things. jc's really a short time.. in just about a year you'll hv to move on frm being a leader of followers, to a leader of leaders. from this level to the next. "from glory to glory"? haha. now its like, perspectives change. you think of how to guide pple to become a great leader, not just about being one yourself. but its good i guess. im thankful im still learning :) what else. Valentine's Day!! haha i think this year i ate SOOO much brownies and cookies i bet the guilt (and fats) is gonna pile on me during the next 3.2km run that i do. angel and mortal revealed (not like we didnt already know each other, haha). & i gave this photoframe thingy to calvin (07s34 angel!), i hope he liked it! shirlyn gave me a SUPER NICE necklace too! thanks to all the darlings and dearies who gave me stuff!! and the notes you all painstakingly wrote!! and also a big THANKS to those whom i love soo much! for our friendship and the love and care you all have shown to me. (: i hope you all liked the little brownie and notes! *HUGS!* oh and special mention to 06S34 guys, they gave each girl in class a rose :) very sweet guys! totally unexpected leh! haha =p thanks! dinner was a scrumptious affair at scruffy murphy's. hahahaha scrumptious was on purpose. salad and hummus and irish stew and warm apple pie with icecream oh my heavenly! thanks to gladwin who treated us so gentlemanly, and for the beautiful flowers (: and thanks to kexin and abby too for the wonderful company and games! yay you guys really rock its great spending time with you all!! =) *hugs!* ok what else? hmm. this week also marked the end of my stomach flu. thank You Lord! the period of rest was a good time to "let my soul catch up with my body".. slow down and think about many things.. haha. i guess i'm a little tired of just laughing and having fun all day long. i used to think (ok maybe i still do?) a good day in school means many smiles, much talk, good cheer, nothing bad happening. then everyday's just about like that. smile, laugh, talk. and of course, just planning my schedule, managing my time, doing my work/CCA things. mostly CCA things haha. there's no time to even think through the things you did. or even think about things, about people, about issues etc.. then i start feeling a little empty.. a little worn out. haha. a little like an air-head, no substance? you know? haha. don't get me wrong, i really enjoy time in school, all the great fun and laughter! but there has to be more than that. more than the superficiality and the feel-good and the "hi-howuvebeen-ohoktakecare-*smile*-bye"-ing. i guess i miss that something more. oh wells. haha (: yupp anyway, its CNY celebrations today and it was not too bad lah, seriously. hahaha i was a little surprised to see sooo many pple doing mass dance. and we (cheryl and i) were just reminded of all the mass dances (made up or not) that certain people did during interviews, omg we were laughing our asses off in the middle of dances. haha. super funny. house comm/ house noms rock! okay bye! (: Labels: homeostasis phenylboronic acid
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