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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
Valentine's Day! CNY!! 他+她 8colours! fooood i was reading up on lit texts in preparation for m... TO BEL! hahaha exams for SYC china pple! Hear us from heaven leave now, bye!
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Sunday, February 24, 2008 stayover @ Goodwood
just came home from stayover + church!
stayover at goodwood park hotel with the SearchAsians was an insane time of drinking and laughter, as well as the constant pee-ing trips. i've nvr playd so much drinking games in one sitting before. like, from 1am to 5am it was just nonstop brainless games. we even played open numbers and a very unsober sengyew went "i say 3"! he even shouted at a few ppl and was truly the Drunk+AhBeng of the night, what with the gold neckchain. very happily beat willistoh (UNCLETOH) at five-ten game a few times, muahaha. and we were very happily saboh-ing a certain pair of ppl. felicia's liver is a sponge and she'll never get drunk! respect man. she keeps feeding us tapwater, yay! ann was being protected by the most dangerous man (boy, sorry) of the night. ;) serene was like, *blinkblink*, *starestare*... huh i drink? jason (the Reddest Man Alive) and yaosheng was out by the 1st round of card games. so was eve! Amanda+Anthony was just cuddling up at the sofa observing us going nuts. for me, i remember most vividly... the numerous pee-ing trips. and the knocking over of glasses of chivasgreentea + peachvodkasprite. hahaha. i think im truly in deep mud for the kaypohness and saboh-ing i started. i only realised when at 6am, i got her reply to "what did you do on Vday?". i'm so dead. 2 boys fighting over 1 is not a pretty sight, and i don't even wanna begin to think that i helped piece a love triangle tgt (& im nt even involved and its none of my business!) oops. to think i thought i was just having some innocent fun putting two ppl tgt. oh no. the last thing i want is for some makingmerry session to sour workplace relations. i can only hope to sleep off the negative emotions accumulated from the lack of rest and wake up a happier person. i heard this song that day, one of my potential consultant's ringtone. it was like a slap in the face.. how apt it was for you, and how it comes back to taunt me.. 你完完全全收回去了,我却好像比你慢了几排... ai, just one of those down/emo days... 等待 我随时随地在等待 做你感情上的依赖 我没有任何的疑问 这是爱 我猜 你早就想要说明白 我觉得自己好失败 从天堂掉落到深渊 多无奈 我愿意改变 重新再来一遍 我无法只是普通朋友 感情已那么深 叫我怎么能放手 但你说 I only want to be your friend 做个朋友 我在 你心中只是just a friend 不是情人 我感激你对我这样的坦白 但我给你的爱暂时收不回来 So I 我不能只是be your friend I just can't be your friend 我猜 你早就想要说明白 我觉得自己好失败 从天堂掉落到深渊 多无奈 我愿意改变 重新再来一遍 我无法只是普通朋友 感情已那么深 叫我怎么能放手 但你说 I only want to be your friend 做个朋友 我在 你心中只是just a friend 不是情人 我感激你对我这样的坦白 但我给你的爱暂时收不回来 So I 我不能只是be your friend I just can't be your friend
link | posted by chinesecochon at 9:53 AM |
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