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friday night out! stayover @ Goodwood ITS THE WEEKEND :D Valentine's Day! CNY!! 他+她 8colours! fooood i was reading up on lit texts in preparation for m... leave now, bye!
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008 whirlwind weekend!
its been an eventful week! many emotions, mostly happy :)
wed nite i met jolyn and we went to yoshi to eat! finally managed to catch up on each other's lives! talked about boys (aiyo, as usual). hahahaha. i can already hear carrie telling me "aiyo don't be so bimbo leh". anws, we decided to go watch leap years!! like, last minute!! yay i like these kinda unplanned spontaneous events. wahoooo. i <3 u jolyn!! hahahaha. the movie was nt bad for a sg production, until i realised that the story was adapted from a novel & thus not quite an original SG production. haha. it was emotional diarrhoea watching it tho. hahah. ended up sleeping at 3 and was SO DEAD the nxt day! but im stil very thankful for the late night supper and walking around :) thurs night, baptism! happily toddled off quite punctually after work, cos i knew it was gonna be a happy and long weekend for me, friday+monday off! my whole family came (including my mom!!!) which really made my day (night) :) so did valerie and shirley my two bestest cousins in the world lol! and ting too! and my small grp members! :) :) hehe think its great tht i got baptised tgt with bel! <3 ![]() ![]() thanks to everyone who came for my baptism and gave me cards and presents!! really <3 all those small notes and all.. hehe. & nt forgetting the flowers too! :) ![]() ![]() the whole process was kinda interesting.. the water went up my nose, it was so cold after that, but overall im glad i've finally went thru that "ritual" and publicly declared im a christian. haha. it means "no turning back", i guess. no matter how many Uturns i take i know i will still end up at that Final Destination. all thanks to God of cos :) so yup, biggest thanks goes to Daddy! :) after that, ting very nicely welcomed us to his hse for stayover, haha. so jason val ting and i went to al-ameen for 2nd rd of supper. met changyi then walkd back to his hse. damn long walk but i rmb feeling like it wasnt really long cos got val and jason to talk to! hahaha. after very long, farrell & mingyi came too. we talked, poker-ed, in-between-ed, and soon the night was over. laughed SO MUCH when we were in-between-ing, changyi dealt 3 pillars to me in one row -_- then james got pillared on his first Ace+King. HAHA. yeah then friday morning dawned :O results day! we all had breakfast! went home to sleep, woke up and after a series of events (involving NAZRI haha dude ure act THE ONE who told me my results thanks (: )found out my results before i got my slip of paper. dont really wanna blog about this cos it was such a weird feeling i dont know how to describe it. in the words of bel, "i felt like i was receiving someone else's certificate". ditto man. surprisingly didnt feel euphoric/happy for my 5As, i think cos all my best friends didn't do too well, so i felt shitty for them. only after i talked to bel den i felt better. :) but thank God for the miracle that he granted me.. i rmb telling Him after my papers, You are more than able to bless me with As, no matter what crap i feel abt my papers, no matter how badly i thought i did.. its just an issue of whether you want to or not. and so i believed and so it was granted to me. i know people will say, you worked hard for it and everything, but i really still think its God's merit.. i didn't finish my GP AQ and i chose a screwed up essay topic ("the pen is mightier than the sword") without being a lit student. even if its not, i still thank God i found MR TONG who taught me so well and really opened up my mind. :) :) OKAY, anyways, i was really thankful VALERIEPHANG was there to take results with me :) :) :) we spent a few hours lazing at my hse, lookg thru scholarships and listening to emo MTVs, and surfing the web for Le Amis restaurants. after intensive research on the Les Amis umbrella of restaurants, we decided to go to sakae sushi. HAHA. at UOB centre, where there was dinner buffet! decided to treat phangy cos i havent treated her out of my paycheck yet! and paycheck is meant to be spent on FAMILY!! (other than on my savings la). we pigged out like totally man! thts what a celebration should be like. eat. A LOT. yay im so glad we went to pig out ;) ![]() ![]() sigh.. as usual, we camwhored. in the toilet, where else? :) ![]() ![]() acting retarded again :O ![]() ![]() okay so after the eating, we were SOOOOO tired and sleepy alr. cos of the heaviness in our stomachs, & the lack of sleep (4 hrs on fri morn, + 3am the night before, gosh!) anws we decided to be good girls and not wet blankets so we headed down to clarke quay to meet the rest. met changyi, ting, mingyi, james, huimin @ fisherman's wharf. wa that place reeks of oil and grease! phangy and huimin hit it off immediately (why am i not surprised?), and then we headed to iguana. met shiyang and ben on the way! wow i keep seeing them. hhaha. don't really rmb much of the in-between things. only a whirlwind of thoughts and questions and emotions, hahahah. and of cos the 2 yums tequila shots. haha. changyi's like the man. haha. anw we slacked some more and watched some bikers do stunts. quite boring i must say, and i guess abit frustrating cos the last thing i wanted to do was sit down and watch bike stunts. there were a hundred and one things better to do, eg. go home and sleep, haha. ah but the highlight of that time of slacking/stoning: ![]() power! hahaha! mom came to fetch me home + drop off mingyi and ting. "confided" in her how sian i felt.. hahaha. interesting. dont know what got into me. like, saying all those things to her. but it was nice anyways. SATURDAY!! i woke up feeling generally pissed. wah, it was a xiong day. its not nice to blog about horrible emotions cos u hv to relive them. briefly, i went for SMU openhouse with bel (which was thoroughly an enjoyable time :)) and saw ben/barney AGAIN. bought presents, arrived just in time for confirmation, slept thru most of the rest cos i was just simply Exhausted, abit of time at dome :), etcetcetc... den jolyn's bday at fish&co!! the surprise that fell flat cos of a noob waitress, hahaha. stunned to the max i tell u. but anws, she still had to stand on a chair!! hahaha. ![]() ![]() there were only the 5 of us left.. poor rachel was so tired!! ![]() ![]() lazy to put up more photos! =x JOLYN time for you to stop ignoring me on msn! HEHEHE hahahah get the photos from me kays!! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR PRINCESS! after that, gladwin dropped me at my gramps place! then it was a long time of hanging out with bestbuddy, hahaha altho it really didn't feel that long. and it was funny, the timing at which my mom called. hahaha. anws, supper with val and family!! had a great time as usual :) :) successfully restrained myself frm eating! and therefore successfully slowed the expansion plans of my tummy by 0.1cm/day. :) SUNDAY was UBIN DAY!! alamak it was really really fun even tho i fell and made myself really dirty >.< combined with jesus generation! so it was the 7 of us - ding, keith, elliot, mag, jiemin, tricia, dee! we got 2nd overall, WAHOO! we wld hv gotten 1st, but then we forgot to go to a compulsory station and our points got deducted. hahahaha. KUDOS TO ANNABEL AND THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE! great job :) liked the fact that most of the games weren't dirty too hehe =p even lunch + ice-cream but the finance/investment chat was a good time :) and nt forgetting sharing thoughts with mag about uni and life and stuff! :) then we spontaneously decided to go to arab street for dinner! mag + bel + dee! so the 3 of us toddled off to arab street! and i decided to ask this stranger to take photos for us cos we didn't have a camera, which was really too sad!! i just had to document our visit to arab st u see. its a special time and it was the 3 of us leh!! hahahahhaahha. ended up looking like some supermodels starring in some STB campaign promoting the sultan mosque. LOL! ![]() ate a lot.. snort snort. was a nice time of just stoning and talking in sporadic bursts. hahahah. on the way walkg to the mrt, got to talk to bel abt more stuff which actually really helped me sort things out in my head. haha. thanks sis! :) after that ting and i decided not to meet, so i cld study my basic, but i fell asleep studying it anyways. HAHA. woke up on MON feeling PISSED TIRED as usual. sigh. tired is like the constant speech bubble over my head. and so.. I PASSED MY BASIC THEORY TEST! WOW! okay, its my 1st real step to getting a driving license. super thankful for having someone to accompany me thruout the whole waiting time and everythg :) did i mentioned somewhat touched too? haha anws i went home after that and just ZONKED OUT. sleep. zzz. the bliss!! my sleep debt is really jialat.. dinner at thaiexpress after that, met esther and ismail and waranya and sundar!! :) quite happy to go back there. even tho we met thomas teo and had to do a detour at siglap centre omg. hahaha. so the night ended relatively happily, just that i didnt get to see jean gray! hhahah. okay woah i had like such a long weekend. so many things happened all squeezed into 5days, but nvm, THIS IS THE LIFE YO! think it'll be even more perfect if i cld squeeze in more time for sleep and for quiet time. oopsie. haha. LOOKING FORWARD TO LATER MAN, changyi's gonna fetch us to go eat supper! *squeals in excitement!!* seeyou guys!
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