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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
short post!! haha time flies.. so long nvr blog le.. anw this p... friday against NJC.full game. learnt a lot of stuf... pamper me please? ;DO by Damien Rice. (CD)Now, Dis... vjnb sometimes i guess one shd b content with first imp... my house! so ugly! =p my house! so ugly! =p consider Him, who endured such opposition from sin... leave now, bye!
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006 long post!
ok its been a whole week since i blogged and i think stuff keeps happening at the speed of lightning, i never ever have the time to take note of stuff. to digest the savour the process. before i know it jc life will zoom past and my memories might just be a blur of emotions and snapshots of scenes.
THUS, i will do those kinda super long blogpost.. i dont wanna forget a div 06 netball q-finals that quickly!!! altho i'll probably spend some time another day blogging abt our team again.. hahahaa. i so love vjnetball06. seriously. in a way, they are the reason why i go to school, what keeps me going thruout lessons (match later! training!), and really.. just such a big part of my life. take netball away and my jc life would mean nothing. okay! enough of the heartrending parts.. lets go chronologically.. HAA. 5th may, fri release of housecomm results.. i was telling myself i wont cry. afterall, i have a match after that. but ended up crying first and like so much. i dunno why i was so emo man. think its like the unfairness of the situation.. totally sucky. how its like a popularity contest. sian. oh wells. after tt went to parkway to eat lunch. cabbed down to kallang w emily. we played acjc, our 1st match of the quarterfinals. super lousy play from me. cant believe the crap that went thru my head.. it was like i want it to end man. i learnt that 1. my elevation nt gd enough for that left-flank centre pass 2. my reach not far enough for the right-flank 3.freaking not enough stamina 4. freaking weak mentally! sigh. the whole team was just so down larh. think we not focused enough and we sort of gave up before starting. the downs we went through together... oh the funny parts were that nigel and sha came down. haaaaaha. mr chow too how nice. but yeh we were like vj-SHA! so obvious liao lor. haha. then nigel stacy brian emily were on double date at macs!! me and sam were like umm... takeaway our food lah. hahaha. funfun. went for GAP after tt =) 6th may, sat morning had PW meeting at changi airport. i think i can memorise the tune to "how to get to sesame street", "fan-tastic", and the ooorchard road ad. so irritating.. um yah, then went for training at kallang. think everyone felt better after the many downthelines. =) um nth much happened loh.. i managed to lodge the netball on the top of the pole. and it stayed there. wow. then there was this grp of "strangers" playing netball at court 3. then fana and stacy was playing too. so i joined in and BEHOLD! it was xavier! what a place to meet my ex-clsmate.. in the NETBALL CENTRE on a public holiday. woohoo. hahah. yeah then the guy playing C was funny, he went I'M HERE I'M HERE! many times. haha. ok fast forward this is taking TOO LONG! erm we went to town!! riana geri burger me and BERN! then cos she's the only J2 so she's like, "RESPECT ME" hahaha. many funny things but sheesh i cant rmb what happened..aghhh. short term memory. we went paragon and we saw allan wu. aiya, for more details refer to riana's blog! haha. then went to meet godpa abby lionel chris. went abby's hse they watchd tv while i used the com hee =p then go home.. slept ard 2+ x_x 7th may, sunday had XT meeting. quite glad a lot of things were more or less outlined already. im i/c of publicity with keith! haha. hope everythg will go well. nth much happened actually. finally got to see haoguang after 12467297days. met this new guy called roger. interesting encounter eh? 8th may, monday shdn't even have come to school! only lessons were two periods of chem lecture in the morning. plus i hardly listened and spent most of the time thinking abt hse comm and talking to cheryl. then i had no chem SPA, so went to eat breakfast with classmates. time passed by v quickly and i went to join the netballers! yay! so fun. as usual we talked a lot and laughed and whatnot. had a very gooood sleep at slum. the new mat is good. =) oh then when we were walking to our bus, we saw RJC tennis team! haha when we saw the first few guys riana was like OMG! cute guys! then after that....... haha. guess what. i saw bensen. haha so i was like HI! then he got teased by his teammates after that. oops. haha. so yah we played RJC on monday. could have fought better but oh well.. its over. learn from our mistakes. next year we must be more mentally prepared. we need to really talk it out before that.. make sure every mind is made up to only WIN. every heart's on fire to get every pass. yeah man. its quite a waste, actually i think we really had a chance to beat RJC.. somehow somewhere we lost steam, i guess rj is stronger mentally yah. after that went back to school to ice. then while going home i saw ahem*joel!! haha. cant really see him except spot his eyebrow. oops. 9th may, tuesday it was a boring day because i had no netball to look forward to plus i end at like 5pm. ugh. went to library to do work for the 3period break. pw was productive. bryan made another funny comment i forgot what oops. hilarious. then went for cecelia's bible class. met auntie florence who gave me a lift home! woo thank God! haha. then spent the night like visualising the game and prepping myself mentally. finding quotes. haha. i shall blog about wednesday another day. yawn. nights!
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