hello you.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

random streams of consciousness

i have been the slackest bummer around this weekend. haha.

it was really a bad time. i cant help but think about how long i took last year to fully recover. and how i have two days to do the same. and other things that went wrong this weekend. and the overall sian-ness. sigh in short it has been a depressing weekend. A Series of Unfortunate Events.

its rather unbelievable, i slept a LOT this weekend, didn't do any work, hardly read anything. just ice and bandage and stone and unbandage and repeat the cycle. lol. oh wells.

i cant read my tagboard because of some "forbidden 403" thing. i googled it and it still didnt make sense to me. something about not being allowed to access, so yes (gladwin) even if i change to mozilla nothing will work, its about the connection or something. or maybe some firewall. haha.

i considered debunking almost every syllabus objective for Diversity and Evolution here. but i think it'll have to wait until after season. "After Season." there are so many things under that list. hopefully i'll really get all those things done. i shall not even think about what goes under my after season list. focus!

jinwei called last night, and everytime his phone calls bring a touch from God. i think he's what i would call God overflowing into other people's lives. he says i'm a classic type A. whats a type A? i shall go find out. but yepp, maybe i sprained my ankle so that my whole weekend's activities will be cancelled and i would have time to listen to jinwei (& indirectly, God). the things he shared really hit the nail and only 10mins into the conversation, i saw some of the answers i have been looking for. he understood cos he went thru the same things. and his heart for us is so real. and i realised he's probably the only person who makes me cry everytime i "meet" him on the phone. despite steeling myself before the conversation, i can't help but crumble because he sees past everything and cuts to the heart of the matter. "The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out." he exemplifies that man of understanding. haha. he's truly a leader i look up to and a leader who inspires me.

i hope i'll get my life in order asap. what an emotional weekend. haha.

link | posted by chinesecochon at 3:09 PM |


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