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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
vjnb! nyahaha. musicfest tix! SPORTS DAY 2007 cafe le caire vjnetball07 :) pitstop! OVERRRR tomyam steamboat! cny, coffee, confidence leave now, bye!
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Sunday, April 29, 2007 retail therapy!!
wee im sorry everyone i can't see my tagboard again. but if there are tags, hello to everyone and thanks for ur love! haha and i know this will sound sooo retarded if there are no new tags. but nvm.
anw i really slacked the whole of today man, i didn't touch my work at all :S i refuse to do so i guess, until season officially ends. so i woke up at 9am (so early right). read newspapers, used the com, read abt urban legends (ask me: are pearls really toxic? does the 5-second rule really apply? does the wax in cupnoodles' containers end up lining our stomach?), sorted out old clothes for D^2, tried to online-shop, ate late lunch with mum :), waxed my legs (lol), read my SciAmerican, talked to gerald. its been a long time. i really wanted to ask him so much more and talk abt a lot of other stuff, & also tell him many other things, but i just didn't know whether it was right to do so. am i even allowed to bother about his life? does he really need/want to know about my life, even though he asked? haha. it could have been for courtesy's sake. but oh wells, in this case, better lesser than more. then it was 5pm! *cue jaw drop* went to meet valerie & family. :) had a gd time shopping, and i blew $50 on 5 ---s. not very expensive la actually. but its quite ironic, i banked in $100 as savings, and then immediately spent half of it about an hr later. aaah i need to manage my accounts later. i want: that novo flats, or the one from topshop if theres my size elsewhere. about 50! that pair of novo heels at almost 80. but so pretty & comfy! & many other things but not spotted at PP tdy. oh & not forgetting porridge steamboat (with val & her clique?), parkway steamboat (with ??, who wants to go!), phin's steakhouse (who wants to go!!), indon food near parkway (WITH MUMMY!), jap buffet at hanabi restaurant (w val and lishen!), miss clarity/bakerzin (val and shirley!), two tubs of haagen dazs. :D hehehe. i told myself its okay to buy these things because i didn't really buy anythg new during CNY. hiaks. porridge steamboat tmr, cos tues is labour day! wee! can't wait can't wait. and i can't wait to go shopping at taka. *beams :D* alright, i decided that if i save on food $5 per weekday i have $25 to spend on food during the weekend (all my cravings). that wld mean about $3 per weekday on food. haha. also gd ah, mayb force myself to eat lesser, weekend i wont feel so guilty when i indulge. WEE. i'm in such a good mood now. hahaha. what a long post. sorry for boring you if you've actually read til here. hee. =p drawn by Your presence & the promise of Your grace edit: my mum reimbursed me for my ---s! yay i have extra $50! lol thank God and thank you mummy :)
link | posted by chinesecochon at 9:36 PM |
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