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Saturday, June 02, 2007 MUMBAI - 1st day
my 1st day at mumbai just over! the girls (neo and jahnavi) are supposed to wake up at 9, but i woke up at 830, so here i am online. checking email talking to my bro and blogging. haha. okay! i stayed home most of yesterday cos neo had to do her projects and go for tuition. while i settled in and slept a little. took a lot of pics so far! random pics. haha. didnt take photo of the airport though, cos it was very obvious i was alone and people were looking at me alr. haha. didnt wanna attract more attention. oh yah. on the plane, i met this nice person (uncle michael). a businessman frm SG! yupp then we talked and i didnt feel so alone in the plane! its like a temp father looking out for my stuff and me (when we were going to immigration). haha. so thank God! and also as i read the cards.. i realised it'll be a real adventure only if i walk it with God. yepp.. haha. oh and THANK YOU gladwin wanlin cheryl for coming down!! very sweeeet of u all. i rly appreciate it yah. xiexienimen! =) =) okay so i ate gujarati (guju) food for lunch at neo's house! done by auntie linna! yummmmy. post pics up next time. then just slack ard at home.. and we went pizzeria in the evening! met up with the rest.. there were neomi, jahnavi, rayhan, varun, viraj, raghav! got to eat meat.. haha cos of varun and viraj. but was reaaally full. pizza's okay la. then we went mocha, this coffeeplace nearby. got to try sheesha!! finally. haha. it wasnt as bad as i expected it to be. i.e. i didnt choke and choke and choke. haha. nicee. yea then it was very late already (11pm?), yeah and neo's mum dont like us to reach home so late. so went home! =D and i had a great time with the Lord! when they were sleeping and i got a room to myself to pray. so thank God for blessing me with His presence =) and thanks all you people for praying for me! will update again soon! watch this space! =)
link | posted by chinesecochon at 11:18 AM |
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