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Sunday, July 29, 2007 the mystery of "iced-gale" revealed!
ive decided to explain why my blogspot address is so horribly cheesy and unclassy.
it started off when i was 9 years old, or in pri 3. IRC (Internet Relay Chat) was the thing then, before the advent of MSN. haha. sooo. we all had nicknames. and mine was ircgal. then many "ircgal"s appeared with different variations.. like ircgal^ or -ircgal- etcetc. so i decided to add an e behind to differentiate myself from the rest. i know i know, so creative. but i was pri 3 then only. what do u expect?! so thence came about ircgale. then, i met this person called red-ice. i think at #liverpool channel. i was probably uh. sec 1 or 2 then. i was telling red-ice that i thought ircgale was rather eeeps. soo, i was blue-ice for awhile. then i realised it was kinda weird to be called blue with another person being called red. like a pair. that wont do cos we weren't romantically linked in anyway see. so. i became iced-gale. i retained half of the old one so ppl still recognise me in irc, but i changed half of it. there. its stuck with me for so long simply cos of convenience - when i set up blog like a few years ago, was lazy to think of a special nick for a blog so it just carried over. and stuck on for quite very long. i think its time for a change. in case ppl think im some kinda juvenile blogger. haha. afterall first impressions count, no matter what you say about "it doesn't matter what pple think of u and blabla". what do you think? heh. any suggestions? :)
link | posted by chinesecochon at 9:12 PM |
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