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MUMBAI - 5th day! (5th june) MUMBAI - 4th day! MUMBAI - 1st day MUMBAI trip prep saturday afternoons! lessons! retail therapy!! random streams of consciousness vjnb! leave now, bye!
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Sunday, June 17, 2007 MUMBAI - last day + reflections
hmm.. this post is long overdue.. haha. decided i should wrap up and move on with life. hopefully i'll finally get down to doing my work instead of thinking about things. haha.
okay so on the last day! i woke up really late, 1030 in fact. had late breakfast, went to buy indian snacks with aunt lina, then went to cream centre for lunch with aunt parul and pook's mum. then went to meet rayhan and raghav at mocha. nirvana - strawberry & mint. hahah. then went to raghav's hse. then went home. met leesha on the car home, cos she gave me a lift. thanks! yup then packed bathed, met aneesha varun jahnavi rea, had dinner. took photos! well then there was this leaving ritual thing where they put a red dot on my forehead. heh. then we left house for the airport! talked to anjali on the phone on the way so even tho we didnt get to meet, at least its like we talked a little. haha. yeah so we parted at the airport.. :( jahnavi was like, "you know its very possible that we may never get to see each other again". becos she may very possibly not b coming to SG. and it really depends on whether i go back to mumbai to find her. oh wells. that made me rather sad. but i dunno, a lot of things can change in 2 years, 5 years. she may become richer. or i become richer. maybe there'll b damn cheap flights to mumbai (like same rates for flights to bangkok or sth). we might even meet on exchange or something. :) yeap i met this guy called shreyans on the plane. had a gd time talking or maybe listening. haha. learnt a lot of things and felt veryyy young, theres so many things i havent seen in the world, so many things to learn. im reminded to remain teachable and very curious. :) haha. well so india. what did i take back home from this trip? firstly.. the food experience. haha. the explosion on the palate? sweet sour bitter spicy salty hot cold weird normal nice not nice. flower petals, leaves. everything. haha. it was a welcome change from the usual chinese food, which doesnt emphasise so much on exploiting the wholeee rangeee of subtle tastes that spices give. although i would say i did miss chinese food, when i came back i found myself wishing for a light & soupy bowl of yongtaufoo. haha. oh and also, i love the desserts there, everything seems to be better than singapore's. or else its not found here. basilico and theobroma, i think i wont forget those places. and i'll definitely go back there if i do go back to bombay. :) & the people! they aren't as anal/rigid/detail-oriented. rather happy-go-lucky? mostly friendly :) and i hardly see any extremely soft-spoken people, seriously. most can be really loud if they want to, if not the "quieter ones" are still expressive to a certain extent. its a loud city. haha. the honking never stops, it took me a few days to get used to it whenever i was on the road. haha. its really different from singapore, the driving is crazy! and the buildings etc aren't as orderly and organised as singapore too. the aircon units arent aligned. the balconies appear at different parts of the building. hardly any building goes beyond 10stories. wrt cleanliness, i expected bombay to be dirtier. actually its not that bad haha. i think bangkok is far worse. at least i can sort of breathe normally and not feel choked when walking around. although i remember once we were walking out for dinner, and there was sewage all over the road for a good maybe 50metres, it was soo smelly and disgusting! haha. and, contrary to popular belief, they are not poor. far from it! i think all of my friends there are richer than me. although its true poor people do exist, like those in the slums or the not-so-educated, there are also people on the other end living in India. and they are many in numbers okay. haha. i guess when i tell people "i went to india!" they have this idea that i went to this poor country.. to do missionary work.. build houses, teach english, whatever. please dispel all these incorrect notions. lol. some of them are even smarter than majority of your classmates. hipper, even. like i hv a friend who only shops international, she doesnt wear clothes she can buy from india. lol. mmm. i cant really think of anything else for the moment. i will post photos soon! but i need to get down to studying, so more stuff after my mids! ciao! :D
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