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Thursday, June 07, 2007 MUMBAI - 6th, 7th day
hello again! on wednesday.. woke up at 9odd, aunt linna brought me to gateway of india to "sightsee"? and tk pics. went to the taj mahal hotel as well. then went to cotton industries, this place where indian handicrafts etc are sold. bought a few things from there. then we went to basilico (the italian cafe i went to on sunday night) to buy some herbed sandwich bread. to make sandwich for neo and i during afternoon tea break. haha i seriously feel like i eat nonstop here. then we stopped by theobroma for dessert. theobroma - food of the gods. altho it sounds almost like idol worship, the food here is really phenomenal yah. the brownies are like perfect, i wld say even better than the one at takashimaya basement1 brownie shop. the coffee is passable too. and the cake, oh man so yummy. chocolate orange. with cake base soaked in rum. topped with truffle. i know im gonna go back to singapore and search for a similar cake and find that none can match up to theobroma's standards. haha.
well then we went to roman store, this little minimart kinda thing, but it has good stocks. i mean its really kinda international. chinese, japanese (WOW.), indian instant, spices, nuts, etcetc.. haha. oh btw they only have one japanese restaurant in the whole of bombay, in the taj mahal hotel. haha. so i was rather taken aback. but i rmbered jap is all like seafood. majority of the ppl here cant eat it anw. yea so uh after that we kinda headed home. was almost 2pm already! ate my lunch.. by then i was really stuffed with all the gd cake and coffee already. but i cldnt resist the okhra/bhindha with rice.. =p then chilled and stuff.. waited around.. neo came home at about 3odd. waited for her to finish her work then we went to clothes rack. got my rusty dress and two shirts for bro. then on to twinkle and viva.. got my grandma sth! yeah then.. shoots i suddenly rmbered ive yet to get the magnets!! arghhh. ok then we made our way to swati snacks for south indian! pav bhaji, (soft, buttered bread with tomato/vegetables gravy), sev puri (crackers with tomato "gravy", potato, sev, onions..), pani puri (a crispy, egg-like pastry which u crack and then put in sprouts & chana, then put in 2 kinds of watery sauces), panki (salty pancake eaten with chutney), dosa (thosai, eaten with coconut chutney. YUMS this one was), & ice gola. ice gola was the most special man. its like, crushed ice clumped together onto a stick, then dumped in a cup of syrup. i had the khola khatta syrup, which was purple, had some unknown spices inside, and tasted sweet and a little sour. nvr had anythg like that, haha. yah so went home! it was already like, almost 10pm. bathed and got ready, talked to neo =) haha then rayhan & his frens came in his car at about 11. there was nikhil, rayhan, raghav, akshay, avisha, jahnavi and i. haha. supposed to go a club called ra, but akshay and i werent allowed in cos we looked underage. so in the end we went to a rather lousy club downstairs and i dont even rmb the name. azziano i think. haha. music was quite ermm... hahaha. but the drink was good. kingfisher beer! i think its supposedly indian beer. haha surprisingly good, i preferred it to tiger even. mm. im starting to talk like the indians. okay then the club closed at 130am. its a ruling there, so then i reached home before 2am. soo.. they said bombay nightlife is actually not that bad. haha. ok i shall believe them. altho i wld say i'd rather club in singapore if im out for fun (like music or whtever). then talked to raghav on the phone til 330am and actually was really tired by then. but i cldnt sleep til like 530!! then today i woke up at 9am cos i need to leave house by 1015 to go to neomi's school. observed and i saw loadddsss of differences which i wrote down but im too lazy to blog here. the most impt is the participation level in class. no extra brownie points are given if u participate actively, but everyone's just eager to give their answers. and whatever question they have they "buey paiseh" just shoot the teacher. if the class laughs, the person will mayb laugh along or ignore, then continue asking other questions again after tt. amazing lah. haha. and there were moments of chaos, i think a riot cld hav broken out. haha ok that was exaggerated. but seriously there was one time when nearly everyone was arguing with the teacher, and ppl were banging their tables, one guy was standing up and gesticulating and "championing his cause", blablabla.. i was stunned. hahaha. its funny. i love the people here they're so different =) yeah then had PE. so hot. haha. then came home in the school bus. ancient school bus. & hv been slacking ard ever since becos the cathedral boys said we wld go to mocha but they didnt call me! so i was kinda like ok whatever lah. raghav was still promising and everythg. but this is indians for u. at least, the indians i know. hahaha. plans form and disappear in 2mins. so now its 7pm and im waiting for dinner to happen then i'll probably go to sleep or sth. oh wells. hahah. tmr's already my last day already.. i really hope i'll spend it well, fruitfully. bah. ok til then.. think my next post will be written in singapore! and how apt it'll be my 100th post. =) marking the end of my indian trip. i find myself wanting to stay on here.. and not leave.. i totally dont look forward to leaving. ive settled so nicely and adapted and all already. sth totally unnerving happened one morning/night. i was lying on bed and thinking of how it feels to lie back in my bed in singapore. and you know sometimes when im not at home and i think abt home, i feel so comfortable and cosy just imagining the feeling of home's beds and covers. but to my.. surprise? home's bed & covers actually felt like a foreign feeling. not familiar and comforting. its like my way of life here has become like natural already. what does this mean? firstly, that my indian hosts have been so hospitable and fantastic. they really are the best hosts i've ever had na. not that i've had many, but still. and probably also that i really like bombay, despite its shortcomings (like scary road conditions, poor transport options). oh wells. i shall leave the reflection to another time.. til then, cya all in singapore!
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