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Friday, July 13, 2007 t3a & statements!
this week has been characterised by the substantiation of the boastings of oneself's achievements.
i.e. T3A (top 3 achievements). personal statement. its a little exhausting and irritating putting your character on a pedestal, examining it (myself?) over and over again to see what unique and worthy embellishments there are to mention. then ransack through 1.5 years of experiences, extracting relevant ones to support the jewels in ur personality. and then of course, there's the nerve-wracking search for synonyms in your head for positive words. its as much a personality exercise as well as a vocabulary exercise. oh and uh not forgetting rephrasing, using different sentence structures... bah. but its okay. because putting in so much effort for my first draft would only mean i can concentrate on my studies, and only minimal adjustments will need to be made for the consequential drafts. hmm, other than t3a/PS. its the Exam Results. ABDE & still awaiting GP's return, the one i really wanna know. rather disappointing results for my math but i guess i didn't practise enough. and my vectors....... disastrous. & my econs! sigh! i really like econs now, but i guess i must really dwell in the world of economic theories and principles for a longer time before anything can happen. like really submerge myself in those words. haha. i'm looking forward to and before i end i wanna dedicate this post to God because if its not for Him and His hand shaping my life, i would not have any t3a or personal statement to write. if its not for His perfect law guiding me, i wouldn't have excelled, pushed myself, and conducted my relations with other people in a respectable manner. heh. vague enough, yes. and without God as my strength (when i feel weak, unconfident of doing well, weary,) my refuge (when i feel depressed and frustrated at my work,) my peace (when i get worried about the prospects of doing badly,) my hope (when disappointment sets in,) my purpose (when i ask myself, why study so hard for?) i couldn't have did what i did for my CTs. i wouldn't be so motivated to study hard. and as much as i really dislike making cliched statements, glory to God for my results! He moves me to follow His decrees.
link | posted by chinesecochon at 1:19 AM |
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