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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
voice of truth. i want to mug! crazy weekend. i miss vjnetball`06 long post! hope (: short post!! haha time flies.. so long nvr blog le.. anw this p... friday against NJC.full game. learnt a lot of stuf... leave now, bye!
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Sunday, June 25, 2006 takeabreak!
haha i know i should be studying, but i told myself i'll come online to relax for abt half an hour soo.. yah. will do some bedtime reading of my mye papers later on. =) but sadly nobodys online to talk to now! baaa.
nowadays i'm a little prone to moods. earlier on in the evening i was having one of those reflective melancholic moods again. but now i feel like relaxing and laughing and talking. haha. oh wells. today i learnt about loving. again? haha. yepp! God hears and answers my request! i learnt how to accept pple's offer of help/company/care+concern. i learnt to receive love frm friends too. i mean in a sense, we can't just give and don't take.. and i'm so thankful tt Father blessed me with friends who are willing to spend time with me esp. when i need them most. =) haha.. and you know how people always think i'm independent.. and how i myself think so too! well Abba's changing that.. my perception.. yepp, tho i feel so weeeeirrrdd admitting it, i need people to lean on as well.. (i cant believe that came outta my mouth!) haa. i havent said that in ages. it just hit me tonight. it took so much loving from those around me to make me realise that. to make me rediscover how wonderful it is to lean on my friends and carry burdens together! yepp... i guess this week has been a week of "awakening"? haha.. the dreams and all.. the sudden realisations etc.. haha. God is good and faithful! (:
link | posted by chinesecochon at 10:23 PM |
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