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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
marinamacs! takeabreak! hope. voice of truth. i want to mug! crazy weekend. i miss vjnetball`06 long post! hope (: leave now, bye!
geri mel riana 06s34 classblog carmen kityeng puiyee samting shaun(chook) szehan wanyoong wilson wesleymethodist akuou *sensiblesblog* annabel ben lau ben tan elliot haoguang jason jolyn keith kenneth mag shawn ang tw wanlin anglican2005 angela caron charlene siyao vanessa xavier zhirong victorians alex darren clinton hannah jweiPAO nathanael sherwin [SYC] benedict gayne kangsheng longdy xinling valerie shirley |
Thursday, July 06, 2006 igottaggedgasp.
fatjay tagged me so i'm supposed to do this! and yes if you got tagged.. follow instructions k! =p and tht includes you CARMEN although you have no tagboard. lolx.
INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Do the following without complaining. 2. Choose 5 people to do this after you've completed yours. 3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say that he/she has been tagged. 4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this. FAVOURITES: color: white, brown, certain shades of green.. (not dustbin green!) the blue of wanlin's laptop. food: frankel avenue's noodles, most things w chilli/chillipadi inside, coffee, and i hv occasional cravings for carbos! ahaha. song: damien rice's songs. haha. none in particular.. those not grating on the nerves. movie: too many! hahaa. sport: what else.. NETBALL! *gaspgaspscream! netball rox! haha day of the week: i think saturday. haha. cos no school. and i used to hv time to myself on sat nights. season: i think i like summer. im qt happy w sg's weather =p ice-cream: hmm. wild strawberry. macademia nut. semisweetchoc. CURRENT: mood: erm.. a little guilty becos im procrastinating and not doing my math tutorial. taste: none clothes: shorts + HUGE tee. my pyjamas! =D desktop: my brother's.. messy! *wrinkle nose. toe nail color: nude. haha time: eleven thirty four pm surroundings: messy.. cramped.. =/ annoyance: MATH TUTORIAL. maybe econs too. thoughts: sigh i sound so loser. math tutorial. prayer journal. shaun chook (msn) FIRSTS: best friend: i was thinking.. probably my dad.. or my maid.. ahaha. crush: no idea man. first really serious crush in pri5! haha! movie: =/ dunno! lie: "no i never do this or that" music: i dunno. hahahahaa how i know! LASTS: cigarette: none, dont smoke drink: water frm my SIGGED bottle! hoho ride: bus13 from vjc to home crush: im not broadcasting movie: CARS!! pitstop? haha! phone call: to laura asking if she's coming for training CD: borrowed damien rice o from abby HAVE YOU EVER: dated one of your best friends: hm we were gd friends.. and yes i guess accordg to jason we grp date all the time! haha broken the law: yup. been arrested: nope skinny-dipped: NO! yuck? been on tv: no don't think so. only like, incidentally or sth kissed someone you don't know: of course not.. haha THINGS: 4 things you did today: PLAYED NETBALL! smsed. slept. listened to lecture *BEAMS* 3 things you can hear right now: the gentle hum of the PC, my mom talkg on the phone, the fan. 5 people to do this: carmen, haoguang, ABBY!!, samting?, wilson?. haha.
link | posted by chinesecochon at 11:18 PM |
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