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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
hope. voice of truth. i want to mug! crazy weekend. i miss vjnetball`06 long post! hope (: short post!! haha time flies.. so long nvr blog le.. anw this p... leave now, bye!
geri mel riana 06s34 classblog carmen kityeng puiyee samting shaun(chook) szehan wanyoong wilson wesleymethodist akuou *sensiblesblog* annabel ben lau ben tan elliot haoguang jason jolyn keith kenneth mag shawn ang tw wanlin anglican2005 angela caron charlene siyao vanessa xavier zhirong victorians alex darren clinton hannah jweiPAO nathanael sherwin [SYC] benedict gayne kangsheng longdy xinling valerie shirley |
Sunday, July 02, 2006 marinamacs!
hello! im at marina macs now. haha. blogging on hg's laptop!
hm jason told me to blog abt the mugging sessions we all had. haha. i think pictures would be the best explanation so go to haoguang's blog for more info! basically we've been hanging out at ms and suntec and mugging. coffee club, starbucks, macs.. yah. actually i don't really rmb all of what's been happening. it sort of all melts into a nice memory of "hanging out together". hehe. got to spend lots of time w wl and talk to her! =) so this week it was mid-years for me. im gonna fail a few papers.. hopefully can continue playing netball. the fantastic thing was tht 4 of us hv been praying for each other, smsing each other/calling each other.. haha thk God for support, yes? =) well not really in a very reflective mood now. but yupp learnt a lot of stuff this week too. esp. parable of the talents. time to stand up for whats right! ok i shall blog abt wanlin's friend, jovian. he's this sec4 sas guy who's prob gonna dsa into sajc bball next year. from what i hear, he positively has a crush on her! altho she hasn't come to that conclusion yet. haha. oh, he's 1.8m, fair, and has a questionable complexion. no slitty eyes though. and he keeps smsing her. he sounds like a okay guy la, nice and all. im not saying he's some horrible stalker. but yes.. obviously wanlin doesn't like him but he's quite oblivious to that fact. hmm. hahaha. okay. i hv nth much to say anymore but hopefully he'll stop smsing her so frequently!! or else can ask jl and hg to protect her! haha. yuppyupp.
link | posted by chinesecochon at 5:00 PM |
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