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Monday, September 03, 2007 18TH BDAY!
yes i know, who blogs abt her birthday like 2 weeks after? haha. better late than never. decided to stop procrastinating! haha.
anyway firstly, a BIG THANK YOU to bel and gladwin! haha. bel arranged with shaun to trick me! and they came all the way down to vj on monday juz to surprise me and present me with an array of gifts. hahaha. this story goes like this - after chem lect shaun was like "i've got sth impt to tell u.. personal.. blablabla". i thought he was depressed and started to "hu si luan xiang", thought he considering suicide. lol. what to do, he looked so serious. haha but anyways i spotted annabel's green RJ skirt! haha woots. then they gave me gifts, each representing a characteristic. and i ate donut factory for the 1st time in my life. YUM! thank you deariesss. =) glad and bel with the presents :) to bel: haha you know its really kinda freaky how this "telepathy thing" works. u cld read my mind in that card! haha. i really treasure this friendship! ah, i know we both know this already right. haha. and im also sure u alr know how much i appreciate everything :) but nevertheless i will say this again, i love you to bitttss!!!! i cant wait for after As WOOHOO hahahaha :D jiayouuu for ur prelims dearie! u can do it! =) to glad: hahaha THANKS for Q-ing for those donuts!! yup and even tho we dont talk as much now i want to remind you that you realy had a great positive impact in my life! haha thanks for showing that "shi jie shang hai you hao nan ren" haha! and for pampering me like a princess! truly grateful! =) well then bel and glad came over to my place to chill. and take photos. haha. then at night went to sushi tei raffles city to meet glad shashi jean and jolyn for dinner! it was quite yum :) the 5 of us at sushi tei! to my "grandparents": haha thanks for the book! and yes, grandpa shashi, thanks for all the humour and light-hearted moments! :) uve really brought joy into my life! haha and grandma, thanks for always supporting me in almost everything.. coming to watch my netball match.. praying for me, looking out for me.. hehe i'm one very blessed "grandchild". thank you jean :) haha yup, then jolyn gave me this HUGE green (!) bday card! which she stayed up all night just to complete! talk about SACRIFICE man! omg jolyn haha THANK YOU SO MUCH and i really love the card cos its greeen! haha and the green GLITTER! and the photos inside :) and the uber sweet and touching message too! hahah jolyn that was REALLY really amazing of you thank you :) thanks for being such a lovely friend! someone i can listen to, talk to, pray with, fool around with, bimbo around with, shop with, study with, eat with (YES!), walk with, celebrate special events with.. u special woman :) i love you! haha yep then it was nearing midnight.. the real day! and the real surprise awaits! haha i'll edit again soon.. need to get the pics frm my bro as well as go to sleep. haha. gdnight world :)
link | posted by chinesecochon at 12:20 AM |
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