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Monday, September 03, 2007 blind belief in the bible?
"I saw not belief, but the suspension of belief, for people to take in so much of the Bible." -yawningbread.org
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." -2 Cor 10:5 i was just discussing with zara the other day about our stand on homosexuality. we had differing views - she believed that it was okay (loosely summarised) but i didn't. i realised that obviously, my paradigm was shaped by the bible and its beliefs. the book of Romans distinctly described homosexuality as a sin, a way of "giving them over to shameful lusts". one important verse that substanstiated my stand. and i also quoted the abovementioned verse about subjecting our thoughts to the authority of God's Word. it really started me thinking about having an unquestioning trust and faith in God's Word. it seems like what we christians have been trained to do, instructed to do. if God says homosexuality is wrong, then no matter what the world throws at you, and how ur faith may be shaken, just trust His word ultimately. for it is that faith that pleases God. afterall its His Word that will endure for eternity. but in this modern world where an opinion has to be rigorously evaluated and analysed before deemed accurate and true, i feel that its getting increasingly difficult to have that "childlike faith" in God's Word. i used what the author of yawningbread.org said to represent a secularist's view. i've heard a lot about being teachable, and to obey the Word... well. to me, i realised that being teachable and readily soaking up the Word like a sponge is no excuse for being a lazy thinker. a good example would be the stance of the bible on homosexuality. some christians merely nod and extol the virtues of monogamy and heterosexuality after a few simple sermons or workshops in church. or maybe cos "it just feels right, its the natural order of things. homosexuality is just wrong!" no wonder the secular world sees "not belief, but a suspension of belief." how strong and viable is a belief that is based on a single point of view? non-analysed/evaluated? a conclusion drawn before even trying to understand homosexuals' viewpoint before writing them off? in 2 Cor 10:5, it says to demolish (NIV) or cast down (KJV) arguments and pretensions that are set up against the knowledge of God. the greek root word is kathaireĊ; "with the use of force: to throw down, cast down the subtle reasonings (of opponents) likened to a fortress, i.e. to refute/destroy." it doesn't mean in any way to ignore or write off opposing views to the bible. how strong is ur offense when u merely turn ur head away from an argument against the principles of God's Word? i think as mature christians and a responsible, clear-minded individual in today's world, we ought to consider other viewpoints - liberal, hedonistic, cynical, whatever, and be appropriately convinced that those views can be "shot down, refuted", before arriving at a meaningful conclusion. dissect the views. understand why people think that way. then can you point out to them why its just an argument and pretension against the Truth. then can you take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. not blindly follow ur religion and allow it to make choices for you, to choose for you your paradigms. actively take part in forming your own views! its your life! afterall, if christianity is that great as you make it out to be, it can surely withstand the challenges, the scrutiny and all the cross-fire. and your faith will be strengthened because you know you have very many valid reasons for this hope that you have. :) of course, as with all journeys in life, we shouldn't neglect asking God for that strength, mercy and grace for the walk into all truth. as man we are not gonna make it through alone. not supposed to. well actually you might, on your own resources, and with that great mind of yours. but that would breed pride and complacency. but He is the one who will "open our eyes and make us see wonderful things in His law". and keep us sane; when emotionally the tug of the world seems too great to resist, it is Him who will keep us firmly on the ground, not chasing after worldly pleasures and ways of life. revival-themed sermons sometimes touch on the principle of "no compromise". its not just about not compromising in the things you do. what about in the ways you think? stretch yourself further. take "loving God with all your mind" to a whole new dimension. as for the issue of homosexuality - have i myself arrived at a fair, justified conclusion? i'll have to admit, not yet. i think this is where humility comes in. admitting that i have a stand without proof. (lol. how distasteful.) then work on it. and this is also where God's grace comes in, i think. even though in my heart i do believe that what God says is right, i pray for mercy as i work everything out. God knows its not that i purposely dont trust what He says, i just don't want to have a blind belief. and then depend on His grace to get me through this. hehe. being teachable doesn't mean taking everything at face value and believing the Word so readily without consideration for its implications. i think that word calls for a redefinition. it means allowing your mind to be moulded, reshaped.. it doesn't have to take place overnight. just have that attitude of openness to God's principles. hope my thoughts will not stumble anyone, i've tried my best to blog responsibly and exclude the questions in my mind that have no answers and have the potential to shake someone's faith. heh. happy studying people. and happy thinking. :)
link | posted by chinesecochon at 12:44 PM |
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