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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
18TH BDAY! of labels and boxes hog's breath cafe! the mystery of "iced-gale" revealed! weekend.. t3a & statements! hi everyone! sorry i havent been able to read my t... <3 to jem, zhao, violet! EDIT: if you want a pictorial representation of th... leave now, bye!
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Friday, September 14, 2007 replies!
JOLYN: hahhaha cheem things. u can blog about the cheem-ness of ur ditzy-ness. cos it never fails to amaze us riiiight! insane crazy weird!
JULI: hey! haha ok thanks when i hv the time to read (very soon! after As yaayy.) i'll go get ravi zacharias' books. hehe. :) and yep i know where that moral framework should come from. haha. jiayou for prelims!! MATT: haha thanks ah you sound so obliged. :( ONGTON: wow! u no longer call me deedee or dexter or flowergal or *insert whatevER*!! JO: ah! you found me! hahaha i haven't linked you yet!! BEL: YOU GO GIRLLLL DATOU: hahaha *nods DISTANT RELATIVE: lol thanks. and haha its funny replying to someone and calling him/her Distant Relative. HAHA. who are you? identify urself lehh. our family toooo big liao. :) KEN: woah helping them realise it's wrong is one difficult, uphill task.. if they truly feel they're "born with it" its like telling u ur born fat (or some other thing) and its wrong. haha. i won't know how to tell them its wrong. BEN: haha its some quite difficult reading, i think. read 2 "cases" and i put that book aside to do more brainless stuff. too much to take in at one go. haha. i shall read it again soooon! :D PRIS: woaaah u come here! i didnt know! hahaha thanks :) hows school and all? CELINE: yea i do rmb you! haha :) u frm jiemin's small grp right? haha u hv a blog to link? :) thanks and lets revive YMOVE next year! lol. oh wait u hv o levels right. haha oops. am taking a break from all that stressful studying! think i really am very lazy. abit only think its stressful. i have to work reallly hard lor. sigh. am gonna flop my prelims like.. floppily. =( think my stress tolerance levels have dropped by a lot ever since i stopped netball. kinda easy-going and not as disciplined anymore. uh-oh. haha. but the first step is to acknowledge i have a problem before i can deal with it. haha. quote lim hao yang: "just don't run away from it lah." yes bro. *nods. im turning really fat. all the sitting down from morning till night. coupled with my propensity to eat anything i can lay my hands on. is making me obese. no joke. the only exercise i get is.. walking to the lift. and occasionally walking home. a ten minute brisk walk actually increases my heartbeat to about, 90bpm? GASP. sometimes i wonder. was i really a sports player?! the condition of my heart (the organ not the spiritual state) sucks. hahaha. even going out.. (ok i'm gonna sound really pampered and spoilt here) my mom or bro fetches me to a nearby MRT or to the place itself. i don't even have to walk much. woops. heh but i am really grateful for their loveee. fetching me around so i can spend more time studying. and then kor and rachel talking to me about my As trying to console me. haha. so that u know, i won't be too stressed and.. get motivated to get my ass moving. haha. and my mom's even gonna call me at 4pm later to make sure i get up from my nap so i can start studying. hahaha. IM ONE BLESSED LAYDEE AND I'M GONNA COUNT MY BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU ALL AND THANK GOD! hahaha. okay. just now i read a tip from Mamil Gold (Dumex). this milk formula brand i think. it says, "when should a baby start drinking water?" has it ever crossed your mind? i always thought u feed a baby water AND milk. but no, according to the tip, "any water consumed should be from mother's milk or formula." u only give water when they start to teeth. cos they need the flouride. *cue: ohmy_.. revelation to me. hahaha. you can refer to this website for more details. haha. recently its been floating around in my head.. that you know, to "grow" a kid is really not easy. even though the bible does have moral guidelines on how to raise a child.. like u know, discipline is sometimes needed, teach ur son wisdom, raise him up in the ways of the Lord.. etc etc.. but still there are many other aspects (physical, intellectual) of a child's development which i think are not explicitly stated. i think thats where we have to learn and find out for ourselves suitable ways to do that. and i believe God would wanna give us freedom in the methods we raise our children.. if not every child will grow up in the same environment and be nurtured in the same way. how DULL. haha. and there's also the fact that a one-size-fits-all approach to raising a child just will not cut it. each child is born with different temperaments, and abilities. (i'm kinda hazarding a guess from stuff i've read. cos obviously i don't know enough kids to observe this first-hand.) yeah. if i were a parent, i would spend about 3 months reading up on every aspect of educational psychology and developmental physiology i can before i try conceiving. hahaha. talk about nerd. haha. but i don't wanna give my children anything less than the best environment and opportunities they can have just because i didn't prepare enough beforehand.. didn't put in enough effort.. etc. and of course not forgetting God's Word on raising children. the importance of moral and ethical behaviour is ever more essential in this world now.. gotta go and stop enjoying myself on the internet. force myself to rest and sleep or sth. SEEYOU ALL! P.S.: my bro passed me the thumbdrive containing all the bday pics but i dont know where it is now!! so i cant blog about it again. -_- SORRY!! hahaha.
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