alphabetical disorder

hello you.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

christmas tree!

my term at COMAT is coming to an end! haha. not like i was here for long anyway.

they're setting up christmas tree now. the frontdesk very lively! people are smiling and talking more than usual, haha =p the power of the christmas tree! creates a cheerful environment!

even ida is like "suddenly i can't work" hahaha.

if only everyone would know the true joy and meaning of christmas! haha.

oh and some students came in to promote some washable markers. christie and krishnan bought a few boxes. i want the PANDA!! =/ lolx.

okay! today's a cheerful day!

link | posted by chinesecochon at 3:27 PM | 0 comments

Friday, November 17, 2006

i'm safe!

haha my blog is rotting!

i just finished watching my girl! sigh i fell for K-dramas' tricks again. although i roughly know whats gonna happen.. the predictable plot and happy ending.. i still watch it! bah. what happened to my logic.

nevertheless it was a gd destressing outlet.. slowing down and sloth-ing for abit feels gd. it feels gd to be home alone all day. the stillness. when the hours and minutes don't really matter.

you know how sometimes ur schedule is packed and you go by half-hourly blocks. like, ok in 10 mins i hv to b outta the hse,
in 10 mins hv to get to mrt,
early morning event A,
late morning event B,
insert time-slot for lunch,
early afternoon event C,
late afternoon event D,
travel, dinner,
event E, supper.

today, there are no half-hourly blocks.. i can do what i want. no need to arrive on time to meet people's schedule. no need to interact with people. no need to spend effort in putting into words what i feel or think. no need to worry about casting gloom on others just cos i wanna be myself. to think and feel what i really want to think/feel. haha.

so, thank You God for this day You've given me. without it, life may become a little miserable.

God bless all! keep praying for YM camp. and praise God for who He is. =)

the name (character attributes) of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

link | posted by chinesecochon at 5:11 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, November 09, 2006


tdy's cell was good. because i saw God fulfilling His promises..

its an encouragement to someone young like me. =) thank You God!

i'm so grateful, because there is receptivity in our group for God's Word. hearts soft.. willing to listen to the authority of His Word..

also because i've seen with my own eyes! that His Word is indeed sufficient..

2 Tim 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

i think seeing hearts tender for God, wanting to love God.. thats really something so precious. precious to You too, Lord.

2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

i'm so grateful for these blessings. and for you people in Sensibles. =)

a very impt lesson i took home today..

a godly leader, a leader people can look up to and follow.. is not someone who can teach BS well, facilitate successfully, or make sure everythg runs smoothly and ensure that we still meet every week.. but he's someone who really lives out what he teaches, what he speaks. walking the talk. someone who has seen God "face-to-face". the real thing. first love.

and how our hearts desire to see You.. to know You more.. in the ginosko sense.

i will keep hoping, keep having faith, and keep loving!

link | posted by chinesecochon at 2:13 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

lessons learnt

i was re-reading my archives.. to reflect and crystallise the lessons i've learnt.. and add on new insights ive learnt!

those lessons..

on revival
revival is in the small choices we make, the obedience. and it just takes one person to start.. and then to spread the fire.. now, i think i shd stop talking about it, sharing or discussing it excessively. its time to just act on it, to model it, and then trust God to spread it.

on prayer
E.M. Bounds from Thy Will Be Done: "He prayed because the needs of the world were upon him. He prayed, for long years, upon subjects that that the easygoing Christian rarely gives a thought, and for objects that men of less thought and faith thought to be impossible. From his solitary prayer vigils, year by year, there arose teaching equaled by few men in modern Christian history." i think i've forgotten the power of prayer. its time to cry out for "thy will be done"!

on the world's lure
not to love the world and all that's in it, but to love God above all else.. to remember him as my first love!

on netball
i realised, netball played a big part in growing me this year. mentally. and like what i blogged.. i knew "God can use a sport to mould me". and its true! all things happen for the good of those who love Him. =) haha and looking back.. i think netball really means a whole lot to me.. thank God for this cca =)

on love
i remember praying and asking God to teach me all about love. what it means to love my neighbour, to love Him with my all, what love really means. and i thank God because He's really fulfilled it before my eyes. He brought me to Ruth & 1John lessons with Cecilia (learnt so much abt love in the bible!), He placed friends around me to show me love b/w neighbours, and opened my eyes to see how i can love my enemy. although its true i haven't obeyed completely and reached that point of maturity, i'm still grateful that im on my way there! this reminds me of "when you ask according to His will, He will grant it". and ask, that your joy may be complete! thank God for being happy to bless =)

on His faithfulness
also, God has been faithful, seeing me thru the seasons, bearing with me during the times i turned away.. being patient, longsuffering. im humbled, grateful. its like when someone does something for you which you don't deserve. like treating you to an expensive meal suddenly. u know that kinda feeling? haha.

psalm 119
you opened my eyes and made me see wonderful things in your law
let me understanding the teaching of your precepts; then i will meditate on your wonders
i will walk about in freedom, for i sought your precepts
to all perfection i see a limit, but your commands are boundless

link | posted by chinesecochon at 12:56 PM | 0 comments

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