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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
MAURITIUS! (full post!) moooveddd rambleshambles the movie that plays BACK! i hope you had the time of your life zipppp i need the thesaurus for tired. the 2nd button leave now, bye!
geri mel riana 06s34 classblog carmen kityeng puiyee samting shaun(chook) szehan wanyoong wilson wesleymethodist akuou *sensiblesblog* annabel ben lau ben tan elliot haoguang jason jolyn keith kenneth mag shawn ang tw wanlin anglican2005 angela caron charlene siyao vanessa xavier zhirong victorians alex darren clinton hannah jweiPAO nathanael sherwin [SYC] benedict gayne kangsheng longdy xinling valerie shirley
Thursday, November 29, 2007 mambo night @ zouk + FUJIAN DINNER!
wow its been a week since exams ended.. whirlwind partying and FUN! and food! lost track of my days already, everyday's just squeezing in time to meet everyone and go places i've been deprived of since i dont rmb when.. hahaha.
so well, after trying to surprise jean in the afternoon, i went with bel to try search for her prom dress for a little while, and met her aunt.. hehe. she said i became fatter (altho she put it in nicer terms, lol). sigh i need to start exercising more! well, the dance floor is a gd start! hhaha. yeah then i went to meet nicholas kor for dinner! hao jiu bu jian le.. but he was tired, so we ended dinner early and lo and behold, i found myself home at 8pm! too early. hahaha. so ended up deciding to go zouk last minute even tho wasnt supposd to go.. cos i was really bored at home.. and for other reasons also.. oh, but shawn ang didnt turn up! he said, he needed to stay home to help his brother with some work. you all can choose whether or not to believe him. heh. met new pple; samantha, germaine, michael, and keith's 2 sajc friends clarence and [insert chinese name] haha sorry!! couldnt catch/hear his name. it was good fun, the music at mambo was kinda better than MOS. i really liked the time when we went up to sit at the "walls" and we startd having fun there as well. hahaha. less cramped, less warm and more light too. met crazy ppl, there was this man who insisted on showing us his IC, like showing us he's a big shot. hahaha. the woman was like "that old man is drunk and he just wants to show u his IC". er okay. HAHA. quite funny la. we went to phuture too, but it was too crowded and all we could do was bob up and down or sway with the crowd. by sway i meant like, being pushed around by ppl entering/exiting. hahahaha. but the music was cool. but i think.. smoove at MOS is better. haha. nothing much to blog abt actually! then we went off at 4am and got treated to the sight of ppl puking. down a car door (eew). hahaha went to newton circle for satay & sugarcane & met kenneth there. poor kenneth, i think he felt very old and abit extra. haha. nxt time i shall find better times to call him out. and i think the whole world was wondering how i was linked to kenneth. he's not my love interest, he's lawrence's cousin and im trying to play a good singaporean host (: hahaha. okay so today i went to some hokkien dinner thing (altho it was kinda like those idol worship stuff). the food was great! shall post up pictures soon. real cool traditional hokkien food. i mean, THE REAL STUFF DUDE! ahahah. my heritage, LOL. okay, shall not bore u with words, come back again when i hv the pics. OH I WANNA CHG BLOG ADDRESS AND SKIN THANKS Monday, November 26, 2007 FRIDAY NIGHT!
ok i'm supposed to blog about friday night but im SOOO lazy and cant get started! haha. so i shall blog about what i wanna blog about now! lalala im ranting. THIS IS THE RESULT OF A HAPPY CONVO WITH A BEST BUDDY <3 anyways i was talking to sam!
'muel says: ey i realise i v blur blur one lo. everythin also blur. go for a levels also blur. flirt oso blur HAHAHA, this is so classic you know? haha. and, its probably true! haha! ANYWAY, come back safely from chiangmai(?) okay! thanks for being someone i can tell those stuff to and then discuss/laugh about it together as well :) I MISS YOU! <33 OKAY! so, let's get down to blogging about friday night! BENLAU and KEITHWOO has updated their blogs about it too, so i shall not repeat what they said, and just fill in the gaps and give my take on the whole thing. haha. okay firstlyy.. thanks to valerie who did my eyes for me! haha. COUSINS LOVEE! <3 haha okay, we reached clarke quay and then i decided to call lawrence and see if he was around the area. cos he can help us get in and stuff. went to highlanders to meet him! haha and THANK YOU LAWRENCE for bringing the 9 of us in! haha, even tho he will not see this entry. haha. yeah well he told me you go to highlanders for the single-malt whiskey. and each pub/club in the clarkequay area has its own strengths.. thats why theres no "better" one, it really depends on what kinda music u like, and what drink u want. haha. okay after "touring" MOS, we settled at PURE, and lawrence told me to go over the VIP room after everyone's settled down and stuff. after abit of drinking he came over with a glass of bubbly! rosé champagne. ![]() since he came all the way just to pass me a flute of bubbly i decided i better hurry to meet them.. haha. so i went. talkd mostly to lawrence and he taught me quite some stuff! about champagne and the bubbles; the longer the bubbles last the better is the champagne. also he drew my attention to the 3 women (frm china) in the VIP room who were actually entertaining an old man (i didnt realise!) haha. we also talked about my mom.. and about this lady dressed in fuchsia who came with a married man who treated us to dom perignon champagne which costs like 500+ a bottle. HAHA. and to think they informally wanted to introduce the lady to kenneth (not kenneth lui, the kenneth from Holland.) haha so anyways talkd abit to kenneth, learnt abt the job he was looking for.. and etcetc la hahaha. watched networking happen under my nose and what can i say. welcome to the real world :) gd experience for me! well then i went back to PURE to look for the rest, after more games and drinks we went to dance! the details u can read up in keith's or ben's blog! it was a fun time laaa. hahah. laughing at each other and sabo-ing ben lau (whats new). we ended up in PURE again for a 2nd round of drinks cos we were honestly tired (well i was). ahahah. the guys treated us girls, so THANKS GUYS! realised i didnt properly thank them i think. hahah. the enthu boys and girls went back to dance a second time, and i really cldnt take it alr man. tired. hahha so i stayed on the comfy cushions w vyan and wenhao, and vyan the boy-who-cannot-take-alcohol actually fell asleep!! tried to wake him up but he was so insistent on sleeping! with the backgrd music too! arghh. so wenhao and i had to entertain each other. haha. but it was a great time of talking la. haha. imho, ARTISTS ARE COOL hahaha. very cool. heh :D ANYWAYS then they came back at a great timing! soo we decided to go back already. hahaha. ![]() the 9 of us outside MOS at 4+ am! had a great time over at keith's place, thanks keith for letting the girls bathe first! sweet :D haha so i had a GREAT time catching up with annabel my SISTER!! hahah from the geeky bio discussion (believe me i really enjoyed it too) to erm.. "family matters" to God to i dunno i dun even rmb what else we talked about!! haha yup EVERYTHING LAHH!! even boys! i really really enjoyed the whole time thanks sis <3 <3! hahaha i feel DEPRIVED from my "soulmate". the morbid telepathy! the monthly cycle together and the identical weight gain from **kg to **kg!! argh. hahaha! yeah then we playd bridge! vyan and elliot knocked out first. hahaha. so left with keith ben wenhao bel me. the macs we ordered came juz after wenhao knocked out, so it was like the 4 of us downstairs! then sudd elliot woke up! hahaha so 5 of us had YUMMY breakfast tgt! HOTCAKES weee been craving that for a long time. just that the sad part is.. it became coldcakes. oh wells. haha. memorable parts were the comparison between elliot's laugh and ben's laugh. cos elliot has a deep laugh, so we were like, thats a ben giggle and thats a normal elliot laugh. then the most nightmarish thing happened, ben tried to laugh deep! u can ask bel how traumatised we all were, HAH. and how amused we all were. haha. yeah then keith and elliot went up so it was the 3 of us, we talkd abt a lot of stuff and it all started with a "bitchy question"! (not bitchy, maybe nosy) which i think i cannot say is what question bcos nt very nice lah. hahaha. and it triggered a "deep talk" session according to ben. we talkd about small group, church, faith, surrender, God, YM, boys (oh man did we really talk about that?!), serving, a heart for youths, idealism, reality, the world, and i dont really rmb what else.. haha. it was a good time i guess. haha. well in many ways, thru the clubbing experience, and the stayover at keith's, i saw many answered prayers.. questions i've had in my head.. maybe even in my heart.. then learning about myself and my limits.. and also i know God has heard every time i cried out to him on the nights during my As. He has heard every single request i laid before Him and i know. this hols is gonna be exciting cos He's gonna bring me thru to deal with all the things i've wanted to deal with but put on hold cos of the As.. and i know breakthroughs are coming and intimacy is priority now.. haha. i guess i'm saying a lot, maybe too much about whats really inside.. but well. its the beginning of a new chapter in life! Post As! i'll make an exception just this once! BAHAHA the most i'll edit and delete this part if i come back and read this and find it too much. OKAY, thats it about friday night. i made sushi today at rachel's grandmas and had a great time talking to her and just taking our own sweet time in peace and quiet! =) =) thanks rachel! haha a good time of nua-ing and doing nothing.. yay. ok,have to go off now! need to wake up early tmr to meet jolyn and talk about stuff! and ****! hahahaha. :) Sunday, November 25, 2007 23rd Nov! series of unfortunate events. hahaha
A levels are sooo over and done with. hehe. okay im gonna do a quick post then go meet annabel! haha. so on friday, we cousins (SHIRLEY & VALERIE) decided to have our long-awaited lunch + outing! haha sooo, as usual, valerie and i were late... oops. hahaha. then we went to yoshi for lunch! yumms. after that, we started out on the most happening day in my life since maybe before prelims. hahaha. we waited for like 20mins for a bus, to go to this ulu place at changi north, a salvation army thrift store. this is the sight that first greeted us: ![]() WOW! how unlucky can we get?! they're closed on the only day we wanted to go there!! argh. we were even thinking after we're done with the changi north outlet we'll be going to the changi village outlet. then we found out that even the Changi Village outlet was closed! arghhh. hahaha. nvm, we decided to go ahead with our nxt plan; Karaoke at KBox Parkway! we hailed a cab, and there was this happening uncle who wore black leather gloves to drive and kept speaking in Japanese non-stop. poor valerie couldn't respond in jap, all she could say was "i don't have my textbook with me!!" LOL. how cool valerie! hahaha. sooo, in a bid to stop talking to him (cos we really didn't now how to carry on a conversation with a taxi driver who keeps trying to teach us how to speak Jap), we whipped out cameras and started camwhoring!! ![]() yay i love my cousins! haha :D okay so then we reached parkway and headed to the Kbox. and then guess what.. KBOX CLOSED DOWN!! and to think that wonderful valerie said on the taxi "scali KBox not open also". really Ru Yuan Yi Chang. val i wish you would say "scali Denise gets 4As", and really ru yuan yi chang also. hahaha. ![]() oh wells! what to do.. we called ah leng jie jie to tell her of the change of venue, then we headed down to suntec Kbox instead! and then we were given this room.. no.23, same number as 23rd Nov! kinda stunned when we found out. its a day of coincidences. hahaha. so funny. plus, 23Nov is LaiLishen's birthday! (another cousin.) but he couldn't join us cos he was in aust! ![]() haha well, then denzel (our.. nephew?) joined us for kbox! a 5yr old boy singing luo zhi xiang songs, totally beats this girl here (me) who doesn't know a thing about mandopop. hahaha. then we went to ahgong's place for his birthday dinner! but i have no pictures anymore, of denzel or anything else. maybe shirley will have! haha. left ahgong's place at 10pm; the night was just getting started! a night of partying and fun at MOS with church peeps hahaha. will update again soon, have to go meet annabel already! stay tuned! :) |