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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
MAURITIUS! (full post!) moooveddd rambleshambles the movie that plays BACK! i hope you had the time of your life zipppp i need the thesaurus for tired. the 2nd button leave now, bye!
geri mel riana 06s34 classblog carmen kityeng puiyee samting shaun(chook) szehan wanyoong wilson wesleymethodist akuou *sensiblesblog* annabel ben lau ben tan elliot haoguang jason jolyn keith kenneth mag shawn ang tw wanlin anglican2005 angela caron charlene siyao vanessa xavier zhirong victorians alex darren clinton hannah jweiPAO nathanael sherwin [SYC] benedict gayne kangsheng longdy xinling valerie shirley
Monday, December 31, 2007 new years eve!
i still haven't blogged about taiwan. argh! haha.
thinking too much does not equate to sadness. you can think too much and get happier as you think. haha. lalala. its 2008 soon! a year of changes.. transition.. learning.. growing.. a time to stand up and do whats right. haha. i want to stand firm. i will fall but i want to get back up. He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus Thursday, December 27, 2007 SYC 2007!
SYC 07 is over! oh what a ride it was. (:
firstly, to the aces: you guys totally rock my socks. really! u guys are one of the most wonderful bunch of people to play with and work with. (: i really enjoyed the "girl talk" times.. the guffawing. the sharing of eye-candies and all that squealing over those boys! haha. the quiet moments when we pig out. the bitchier moments. the queue for the toilets. the meetings/briefings we've had. ah. wonderful wonderful memories (: thanks to everyoneee!! i think i should do like a chronological thing. haha. alright, so first up, i met INDIA! on saturday. went with them to newton circle to eat! (: ![]() then next day, after church and prayers for sensibles and for me (many thanks to bel and wanlin and all you people who love me and kept me in ur prayers!), i met up with xueting, lorraine, chuxian and weijie and we went to pick up CHINA! along with daniel yip our chaperone and kahhuay. so they arrived like an hour late and my 1st friend was wang junxia! hahaha. i still rmb the funny intros "his name is P. as in, ABCDP" for a while i thought his name was E. hehehe. then it was dinner at newton circle, again! with CHINA! but i dont hv pics, oops. hehe. we began the first official day at OBS. with group 6! ![]() ![]() longdy and me the ACEs! hahha <3 ![]() i love coach C people. hahaha. of cos, our lovable bus I/C kangsheng, who can forget his threats to post my spastic photo on his blog?! hahaha. and the occasionally "back" of the bus pple jeremy mark hongwei. haha. i stil rmb our heated discussion on the tudung. we shall continue the discussion next year eh, mark and hongwei? ;) anyways, then it was the welcome dinner with the ACEs! sadly hong lao shi didnt sit with us. =( ![]() chenshuangyu, wangjunxia, luweiting, wuhaisang, gaoguoxiao, 2nd row zhangjingli, qiujie, gen, denise, renzhongjia! <3 <3 tuesday.. talk at NTU! no pictures. hahaha. learnt a lot of science things though. HA, which totally wasn't the point of the whole trip. i think we were supposed to learn abt NTU not abt NanoTechnology.. haha. spent bulk of the time lingering at the back talking to gguoxiao, wjunxia, hongwei, & many other ppl! ah, at least it was a gd time of interaction. haha. then we went to the science centre!! hahaha. it was a very structured experience, quite different from last year with the Indians, OH WHO CAN FORGET THE S_IMULATOR GROUP :) but nevertheless, still enjoyd myself! haha. then at night safari (gasp first time for me i think! thank God for MR. DANIEL who led the way, i was a helpless and lonely ACE attached to China! thanks DANIEL!), met animals i've not seen in my life and probably will never see again. hahaha. this time we ALL hung out tgt, China + xueting, lorraine, chuxian, weijie, + HongLaoShi!! so i really really treasured that night :) though i didnt get to talk to EVERYONE, but still.. its one of the rare occasions we're all together at the same time :) weijie and his heart-shaped-icecream-droplet! hhahaha. ![]() i remember we were trying very hard to trick lorraine! that.. counting thing. hahaha. anyways. here's a picture of mark trying to pimp japgirls when we were waiting for the bus at night safari :) ![]() WEDNESDAY!! haha we went to NEWATER PLANT (WOW!) i dont rmb much except slacking and hanging out with the ACEs. haha. oops. and that cheer! hahaha. where we all gathered ard karen. ah, we didn't manage to do it near siewsiew! argh, what a waste. hahaha. after newater plant, it was the urban challenge! we lost lingling at the last stop! oh no sorry =( =( really felt very very bad after that.. but its really soo difficult to do headcount for soo many ppl!! hahaha. at the fountain of wealth! ![]() back at the hotel there was this superrr yummy dinner! supposd to be a picnic at botanical gardens, but the weather ruined it.. haha. but we all still had a GREAT time "jamming" in the audi! hhahaha damn fun. there was even dancing! the INDIANS totally rocked yo. just play the music and jive man. what guitar! what piano! heck them! hahahaha. i like! china's item rocked too! woots! <3 and of course not forgetting the ACEs item laa.. wah lau.. PET AND WEIYEW, our HEROES! hahahah *CHEERS!* aaah, it was just FUNFUNFUN. hahaha. this should stay in the SYC timetable. ahaha. then i think it was the exhibition prep. went out with wjunxia to mustafa to buy stuff! and then i lost my phone =( argh. haha. but maybe its a blessing in disguise cos i hv gguoxiao's hp now and this means you'll come back singapore to visit me to get back ur phone, and you'll bring everyone along too! hahaha. <3 i'll get to meet wuhaisang wjunxia EVERYONE! yay :) THURSDAY! woke up so tired! but i had fun still. photos will speak for themselves! ![]() ![]() ![]() aaaah lazy to upload, more photos on my facebook! hahaha. then we went to sentosa! on the cable car with coach C ACEs! YAYY <3 ![]() okay i think im juz gonna shorten everything from here on. im tired! oops! hahaha. after sentosa we went to vivo to shop and eat and i bought some alcohol for our supposed "ACEs girls night out"! hahahah. u know, so everyone can try abit of sth. and try converting them to BEER! i mean, c'mon, beer's yummy. hahaha. had a great time as usual! yay! hhaha, had more time to talk to lorraine xueting and weijie, which is great cos i think i tend to focus on the China delegates more (afterall we're supposd to play hosts!), and dont hv as much time to interact with the singaporean delegates! haha. to LORRAINE XUETING WEIJIE CHUXIAN you guys rock!! <3 <3 so glad im their ACE, in a sense. hahaha. very zidong and caring and :) :) love you all! at night KENNETH KWEK CAME! hahahah <3 yay so glad he cld come crash. thanks bro for being there for me when i needed a shoulder AND a ear! <3! there was this fortune-telling thing that hongwei did that totally freaked me out. and yes i really knew right from the start who it was haha wo mei you zai pian ni. dont know if you've read til here. hahaha. ANYWAYS. karen iven kenneth all did it but im glad i didn't. hahaha. at the girls night out thing, well it wasnt really one anymore cos the guys came. haha. but managed to talk to chingyee and zhen for abit, on the side, ah, it shd hv been like that every night :) pleaseee come back to singapore again!! FRIDAY was cultural night! aaah i dont rmb much of the afternoon. talked to lorraine! cos shes frm exhibition. and heard like, juicy stuff ive been so oblivious to. hahaha. why ah? all the "happenings and news" just pass right under my nose man. seriously. mus and khairi came back from NS! hahaha. MUS U STILL LOOK SO GOOD! altho i highly doubt he will see this. if only rea was here :) friday night probably gave me the most lasting memories.. hahaha. to all, im sorry if i didnt look appropriate when i was drunk. haha. but i shall not blog about friday night. haha. i'll treasure everything in my heart, and probably wont forget every single moment spent :) and saturday came and everything ended. its too painful to blog about the goodbye.. i really miss everyone so much.. haha. i really really miss honglaoshi too, i felt that there were so many things i wanted to tell her too, but i didn't have a chance to.. sigh. anw, many thanks to xueting who kept relaying stuff to me! =p aaah. i realised i mostly blogged about the things we did. hahaha. but there're countless thoughts in my head, how i feel and all the.. unique times i've spent with everyone who crossed my path. and of cos.. how God worked, how He still is working, ah, praise be to Him! God is amazing. He taught me so many things. reminded me once again of His grace. unmerited favour. ah. favour. the peace and quiet gratitude just washes over my soul.. and i become still before Him. what words can i bring to Him to adequately express how i feel? but there is no need to do so, cos He alr sees my heart, He knows. so i just be still, know He is God, and i know He will be exalted amongst all the earth. and in this way, i close this chapter of my life.. in thanksgiving! God is good. :) Friday, December 07, 2007 SYC!
will be away for SYC (sunburst youth camp) from 8Dec to 15Dec!
den one nite of YM camp (i really hope i can go. somehow. haha) so see you guys again soon :) pray for me that i wont fall sick man. haha. LOVEEE [edit] happy birthday gladwin!! :) princesses love you! hahaha i was looking thru last year's SYC photos. cos SYC is ard the corner mah. and boy.. do i miss all of them. its really like.. wanna cry. hahha. serious heart wrenching "miss". rea neomi jahnavi anjali radha rayhan raghav varun viraj zahan. thanks for the memories.. hope this year's SYC will be as magical for the participants. (: Saturday, December 01, 2007 SDC + Pride&Prejudice
i'm more inclined to blog nowadays since there's nothing to keep me from my computer screen.. not really anyways. the freedom! almost, of arranging my time the way i want it.. hahaha.
anyways, i still dont have pictures of the hokkien food i ate so i dont think they'll go up anytime soon. what a waste cos i think its really rare to find authentic fujian food nowadays.. its not like cantonese (so many places! crystal jade etcetc) or teochew. anyway, yesterday i went to Ding Tai Fung [ instead of sushi-tei, argh :( ] for lunch with auntie celine, auntie amelia and terence. they came from mauritius (my mom's friends). had the "esteemed" xiao long bao, bro+rach felt that Crystal Jade's xiaolongbao was nicer. i think each has its merit.. i thought the meat and broth was yummier for DTF but the uh.. "skin" was better in crystaljade. haha. but i hv to say both beats the geylang xiaolongbao. heh. but, the la mian at DTF was an utter disappointment. eurgh. crystal jade has the REAL la mian man. hahaha. but the chicken soup broth was good. but its hard for a chinese restaurant to do a simple chicken soup wrong. so not much credit to DTF haha. well then i followed bro+rach to the Singapore Discovery Centre! cos they wanted to bring terence there to play the shooting game thing. first up we met Little George, the supposed "voice recognition robot". ![]() i totally do not believe that it is a voice recognition robot. i think there's someone behind that reflective mirror thing.. responding to our comments. because i was discussing with my brother.. "do you think someone is controlling the robot? like someone behind the screen?" he shrugged, so i decided to ask the robot. before i could finish my question, (are you being con--?), the robot immediately responded, "no, i'm not being controlled, i'm just a voice recognition robot." YEAH RIGHT. i dont think robots can predict my question before i finish speaking it, and respond SO PROMPTLY! either that or the robot must have been "eavesdropping" on my quiet conversation with my brother - if that is true then i think a human must still be behind it. do robots eavesdrop?! haha. anyway we went to watch this show at the iwerks place and it was totally boring for me i fell asleep, heh. SOOO, we went on to the shooting place. real "SAR" something rifle that weighs 5kg haha. and with recoil when u shoot. but it was all digital and computerised and stuff. i think terence enjoyed himself :) ![]() this is rachel and kor with terence. im nt in any picture cos i was the photographer haha. alright, adventures aside, i've just completed Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. it moves really slowly, but makes for a good read. the character development is excellent and it deals with issues sufficiently, with depth i don't see in most novels i've read. (maybe because previously i chose to read shallow novels?) it was a source of much musing.. on family, love, and of course, the issues of pride and prejudice. i was very satisfied at how the author "documented" the gradual erosion of prejudice on Elizabeth's part, and how Mr Darcy's pride was softened (or broken?) by Elizabeth's frankness. i also liked how Elizabeth reflected upon how they were kinda "made for each other", and not in a gushing and girly manner, but really because of how their personalities will bring out the strengths and temper the weaknesses of each other. haha. in many ways i find myself identifying with mr darcy.. haha. anw after watching so many plots that talk about growing love, i am all the more convinced that authors/scriptwriters always make use of the "timing" element to create progression for a relationship. haha. just think of all the weepy dramas. how like, a guy walks past this girl and the girl turned her head too late or sth like that. or u know, "just nice" they both appeared at this place together. even jane austen used that "timing" thing in her novel to restart darcy and lizzy's love. haha. is that true in real life? if it is mostly true, isnt love very much left to chance, in the unbeliever's eye, and providence, in the believer's eye? haha so much more in my mind but i'm too lazy and nua to type it out here. i wish i had nerdy friends who would discuss novels with me after reading. like, maybe i shd join a bookclub or sth. ha. zzz.. its a lazy saturday.. off to meet valerie at grandparents place soon! ta! you're way too beautiful girl thats why it'll never work you'll have me suicidal, suicidal when you say its over |