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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
MAURITIUS! (full post!) moooveddd rambleshambles the movie that plays BACK! i hope you had the time of your life zipppp i need the thesaurus for tired. the 2nd button leave now, bye!
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Monday, January 22, 2007 grace
a week flies by really quickly huh. been busy/tired with training, snr's farewell dinner and homework. its like living everyday back to back. nonstop just do and do. haha. don't have as much time as last week for quiet time.. hopefully i'll be more disciplined this week. friday night was OG bbq and i had tons and tons of fun. just laughing with/AT my OG ppl.. we were sooo high when walking back toward VJ after it ended. thanks for all the fun my iWaltz darlings haha =) and mayyee and i styrofoam-boxed andreas together, it was like just in a comedy lah. haaha hilarious, really. walkd back to pit 47 with pearly and got to talk to her lots, thks for sharing! tho she probably wont see this. haha. i really appreciated all that she cared to tell me. =) then we had a stay-over again. amelia pangsehd, (she had to go home?) and went to emo with her crewlet ppl at the beach (chunhan too). haha. then kenli didnt come also. sigh sad. then left mayyee for the stayover lor, but she had to sleep so... yah. oh yeah after i went home to bathe and came back to pit 47 right. there was this man who was alone and just screaming vulgarities at no one in particular. was quite scary. i thought that he was demon-possessed esp after all the stories wanlin/jean told me. yah but anws when he got a little too loud for comfort we decided to go back to sch. uh then what did we do huh? playd games. talked. then they all fell asleep super early. lol. after breakfast at parkway we all just stoned at macs and talked. haha. then we went orchard. studied at library after lunch, b4 we went home! yay. so, not TOO bad lah. didn't slack too much right? haha. and oh, i've become their abang. wow. i think i shdn't go for stayovers anymore if there aren't other girls around. it really felt a little weird at times.. i've learnt stuff about friendships. why friendships formed from church means so much more, because of the unity of the purpose and meaning we all have in our friendships. ultimately, to spur one another on toward love and good deeds.. and the unconditional, forgiving, almost unblemished love we give to one another. that actually comes from God. we love cos He first loved us. and tdy, we sang these lines; love thats stronger love that covers sin and takes the weight of the world He came to take the weight of the world upon His shoulders. all my burdens and fears. the guilt of missing the standard. my worries of not shining enough. the burden of legalism. all the things that made my heart heavy, He lifted it up. because of what He's done.. simply because of His grace, the unmerited favour. "His yoke is easy and His burden light". :) because of You i can walk with a bounce in my step and joy in my heart. without any heavy burdens. :) i love YOU! if only everyone, esp those close to my heart.. could know this love that Jesus gives. how He removes the dark things and replaces it with light. i can only pray! and i will believe and continue having faith! :) have a good week ahead people. =) Sunday, January 14, 2007 lessons on faith!
ok a short one!
hmm today, YouthAlive band came to YM to lead worship and share God's Word! they're from west australia, perth i think, from pastor dave reardon (our camp speaker)'s home church. yupp i think we were all very blessed by them :) to me.. the message was mainly about letting faith arise in us! and to speak positively! speak "faith seeds" into the ground. to get the fruit of miracles. note: analogy should be used loosely. ref: mark 5:25 onwards i think. hehe. yupp it was a good reminder to me lah, i admit sometimes i'm abit negative about my situation(s).. in school, home, or even YM. should just have faith! be like that woman who was so desperate just to touch Jesus's cloak. and the facts can be different from the truth. get it? the facts are that YM is a little apathetic, we don't deny ourselves and take up the cross daily, sometimes its a little like a club membership kinda thing. but im gonna see the truth. everyone has DUNAMIS in them. every youth. every youth will be on fire, will be transformed for Christ, lead lives that shine His light. why? because that's his will and when we pray according to His will He will answer us! its not "if you can" anymore, Lord. its you can, help my unbelief! haha. everything is possible for him who believes. lets start believing people! without faith it is impossible to please God! and i think life's so refreshing with this faith that God placed back in my heart. back to my first love.. i still am not obeying completely yet but im trying and God will take me with "all my fears and failures". thank God for his faithfulness and how he always reminds me and watches out for me by showing me my "blind spots". hehe. a humble and contrite heart He will not despise. He uses the weak to lead the strong. slowly lah.. :) so much for a short entry. lolx. Saturday, January 06, 2007 O1's over!
am so tired. haven't slept last night.. gonna sleep soon i hope! O1's over.. left with monday's sea regatta.. really pray that it won't rain! so that we can have lots of fun on the last day.. =) hmm what to say? this year's O1 so different from last year's O1.. different experience. but fun la. =p anyway i <3 icarus & iWaltz!! last night was like so fun.. got to talk more to the yr1s @ MS during dinner.. then had so much FUN FUN FUN @ city hall mrt.. the place where all the breakdancers go. silent mass dances. silent cheers. all the "sit-in-a-circle-games". the juggling lessons w iWaltz! haha. the milk game! and the conga-conga tookie-tookie game!! LOL. we were like some kinda cult hopping abt lahh seriously! laughed like non-stop! then we played 7-up! they did some funny forfeits which involved shocking a chinese guy with milk actions haha.. and amelia earning money for us doing some actions.. actually it wasn't really funny when the passerby treated us like beggars & threw the coin at us. but anyways its over! then we had such a hard time deciding whether or not to stayover, and @ whose hse.. but it was worth the effort! we had such a blast! haha. i think its the most i've laughed in a night. 1st it was the drooling by someone. then we played asshole daidee (ya very vulgar but thts the game name.) then qichao became the a******. and we cldn't stop laughing @ him after that. lol. u can ask him why. ah, i don't rmb much of what happened except we laughed non-stop playing games downstairs. and then we ate breakfast and we stoned and talked and slacked so much. but even the slacking was gr8 fun ahhaha. quite a gr8 way to end O1. stayovers rock lah. ahaha. everyone shd do stayovers on the last night of orientation. anyways. i went to church after the slacking. 1+pm. had a good sharing session with wanlin! =) thank God for her, really. thank God for showing me whats my problem and why is stuff going bad.. in short, i just need to keep seeking Jesus. the Person. my Friend. not the ministry. to return to my first Love! everythg will be okay. denying the flesh will be okay. everything will be do-able after that. =) the righteous run into the name of the Lord and are safe! Psalm 91:1-2. He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Monday, January 01, 2007 SYC cont'd...
read previous post for the 1st 3 days of SYC! =D
ok anyways, on 13Dec Wed, our 1st stop was @ e bukit chandu museum. haha the highlights were all the stuff we played outside the museum as we waited for our turn. cheers and clapping stuff and what not. =) ![]() grp6 outside the museum.. jiten trying to run away cos he sudd realised it was grp6 photo! so cute haha ![]() i've got peace like a river.. ![]() grp6 again! ![]() doing the frog song.. next stop: kent ridge nature park walk! whilst walking there from the museum, i learnt how to speak a little hindi.. haha.. i can say hello, ask for ur name, and tell u my name! *haha what an achievement* ![]() on our way to kent ridge park.. we had a picnic there.. lunch.. as well as planned our route for the urban challenge happening later. ![]() look at the amt. of food! everythg was yummy ok. serious. ![]() grp6! we're on the CD cover! yeah, then we took a bus to URA city gallery. sat with dana from kazakhstan and got to talk to her! =) her opinion was interesting.. if there was only 1 religion (doesnt matter islam or christianity), the world will be boring. no vibrant diversity and cultures. true to a certain extent. because so many cultures are actually influenced by their religion. there can still be diversity if there was only 1 religion, but i guess its a different kind. ![]() SYC @ city gallery! ![]() lookg @ each country's capital.. i learnt the darndiya dance in city gallery. lolll. then the indians gathered again, we had fries @ the cafe. i crossed over to maxwell to get humjimpeng for them. vegetarian ma. yummy. haha. then we set off for urban challenge! ohmygosh its tiring just thinking abt it. we ran ard, took bus, took mrt. lalala. tired. no pics cos in someone else's camera. we took pics at every stop tho. have it in a photoframe at home cos grp6 was 3rd! haha we rock man. after the exhausting urban challenge, we went to downtown east! but very short time there.. and to me.. the exciting rides were closed. nevertheless i had fun! w e indians of cos! haha. then uh, i saw mingwei and zhaoxiang! while buying dinner.. SO HAPPENING, i was so shocked. hehe. on the bus back, we had loads & loads of fun! singing & dancing in the bus by some talented ppl.. liezel can sing soo wel!! (this filipino girl in my grp). yeh. =) then had rehearsal when we went back.. the others were preparing for exhibition the next morning. so yeh walked ard but they didn't really need help. so i went w some ex ppl (faisal, kangsheng, shalini) to mustafa! in a bid to look for presents for the indians. was funny cos faisal and i were imitating indian accent there til we sudd realised we cld hv offended ppl. yeah bought supper back for the rest too, but when we went back there was like nobody ard alr! so i paid for the rest and gave them to the indians. they were like the last country left there.. haha. they quarrel really loudly and vehemently, but in the end they gt everythg done so, whatever. doesn't matter. hehe. wah, i lazy to blog already! anyways, after the exhibition we went to sentosa for cable car ride. hehehe. then shopping! went to vivo w neomi rea and jahnavi. on the way back told them abt God being my best friend =) so on fri 15 Dec, the next day, we had cultural night lor. haha. the makeup was like THICK. everythg went well la. ahaha. the indians performance rocked man. every1 was cheering =) ![]() the indians! haha. then kazakhstan were the first to leave. sigh was so sad. bye dana =( but nvm, hopefully we can meet in bombay in june, or else in SMU next yr! hahaha. then we went to suntec marche to eat! yummy. til closing time like 11pm. walked to esplanade. took a bus to orchard area and we sat at some place where there was a 24hr singing thing. lolx. from scotts we walked alll the way back to RELC hotel! reached back @ like 2am+. and then hung out at the auditorium the whole night. got to share my testimony and abt God's love with some guys. thank God for opportunities =) blabla, next day, last day, shopping at heerens! as usual we were late when we went back to RELC. on the bus to the airport we passed them the cards we wrote for them and there was like complete SILENCE when they were reading them. so rare to hv silence. then they all started to say thanks and whatnot one by one. like some drama, haha. oh wells. to cut the long story short, they checked in and departed! & i cried =( haha i guess also cos tired then ur self-control is less strong. so sad that the fun and love had to end. its like 7days of nonstop interaction & knowing 1 another and then they're gone for like almost forever. but i learnt a lot of things from SYC. and made many friends. and like wanlin told me last night, "circle of influence expanding".. haha. help me make full use of it for YOU Lord. You're the hope of nations.. last night during watchnight service, pastor asked us to think of 1 happy thing to thank God for. definitely SYC. so much to thank God for!! so much so much. almost everything inside was a fruitful experience. SYC was a blessing! =) now in 2007 its on to keeping up the friendships. so i close the chapter of "missing SYC" in 2006.. in 07 hope there'll be no more heartache of missing them! =) |