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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
MAURITIUS! (full post!) moooveddd rambleshambles the movie that plays BACK! i hope you had the time of your life zipppp i need the thesaurus for tired. the 2nd button leave now, bye!
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Sunday, February 24, 2008 stayover @ Goodwood
just came home from stayover + church!
stayover at goodwood park hotel with the SearchAsians was an insane time of drinking and laughter, as well as the constant pee-ing trips. i've nvr playd so much drinking games in one sitting before. like, from 1am to 5am it was just nonstop brainless games. we even played open numbers and a very unsober sengyew went "i say 3"! he even shouted at a few ppl and was truly the Drunk+AhBeng of the night, what with the gold neckchain. very happily beat willistoh (UNCLETOH) at five-ten game a few times, muahaha. and we were very happily saboh-ing a certain pair of ppl. felicia's liver is a sponge and she'll never get drunk! respect man. she keeps feeding us tapwater, yay! ann was being protected by the most dangerous man (boy, sorry) of the night. ;) serene was like, *blinkblink*, *starestare*... huh i drink? jason (the Reddest Man Alive) and yaosheng was out by the 1st round of card games. so was eve! Amanda+Anthony was just cuddling up at the sofa observing us going nuts. for me, i remember most vividly... the numerous pee-ing trips. and the knocking over of glasses of chivasgreentea + peachvodkasprite. hahaha. i think im truly in deep mud for the kaypohness and saboh-ing i started. i only realised when at 6am, i got her reply to "what did you do on Vday?". i'm so dead. 2 boys fighting over 1 is not a pretty sight, and i don't even wanna begin to think that i helped piece a love triangle tgt (& im nt even involved and its none of my business!) oops. to think i thought i was just having some innocent fun putting two ppl tgt. oh no. the last thing i want is for some makingmerry session to sour workplace relations. i can only hope to sleep off the negative emotions accumulated from the lack of rest and wake up a happier person. i heard this song that day, one of my potential consultant's ringtone. it was like a slap in the face.. how apt it was for you, and how it comes back to taunt me.. 你完完全全收回去了,我却好像比你慢了几排... ai, just one of those down/emo days... 等待 我随时随地在等待 做你感情上的依赖 我没有任何的疑问 这是爱 我猜 你早就想要说明白 我觉得自己好失败 从天堂掉落到深渊 多无奈 我愿意改变 重新再来一遍 我无法只是普通朋友 感情已那么深 叫我怎么能放手 但你说 I only want to be your friend 做个朋友 我在 你心中只是just a friend 不是情人 我感激你对我这样的坦白 但我给你的爱暂时收不回来 So I 我不能只是be your friend I just can't be your friend 我猜 你早就想要说明白 我觉得自己好失败 从天堂掉落到深渊 多无奈 我愿意改变 重新再来一遍 我无法只是普通朋友 感情已那么深 叫我怎么能放手 但你说 I only want to be your friend 做个朋友 我在 你心中只是just a friend 不是情人 我感激你对我这样的坦白 但我给你的爱暂时收不回来 So I 我不能只是be your friend I just can't be your friend Saturday, February 16, 2008 ITS THE WEEKEND :D
i'm so sleepy! im so totally gonna sleep til the sun is high up in the sky. yesssss its the WEEKEND YOH!!
i learnt how to do the thing after work today, i.e. the tell your character by your birthdate thing. alamak, super accurate i think? VALERIE I ASKED THE "SHIFU" TO CALCULATE YOURS!! but yah cos the categories are rather broad so obviously will be 60%-70% correct. hmm. some things kinda shook me, but i think at the end of the day God's Word reigns. dont know what to make of it (from a christian perspective)... anyways, after work met mom & her frens! sumptuous dinner at imperial treasure (great world city).. oh man i really wanna hv lotsa money so i can splurge like that. hahah. we'll see how when i grow up. hahha. met samting and mingyi at night for supper, had a nice time! :) saw my thaixpress friends too! hey -_-, we shall go thaixpress and eat one day k! haha i was surfing facebook for awhile, and just thinking abt stuff, and then i realised some things. haha. thankfully. so many things that are "coincidental"!! i think its scaring me. like this whole thing. the devil is playing tricks with my mind with all that chinese zodiac crap and birthdate character thing. OH NO! argh. haha. its so accurate and true sometimes! i need to go back and read the old testament. haha. update again soon! Thursday, February 14, 2008 Valentine's Day!
V day was spent with The Beloved Cousins! :D we went shokudo, a jap restaurant themed like Marche. didn't really eat much i think! food was not bad ba i guess. lazy to post food pics. people's pics are more impt! haha!
the two sweeties with the cupcakes i bought last min! hee =p ![]() ![]() yay the 3 of us!! :D first one with timer, 2nd a kind lady took for us! ![]() ![]() mad day at work, slogged like my labour was worth S$15 an hour and not $6.50(haha jk), ended at 6pm with a headache -_- but the "stay behind" part to talk to eve serene kim was FUNN! *AHEM* ahahaha oh and jason did this 算命 thingy thing that was eerie-ly ZHUN. reminds me of HONGWEI and him. hahaha. ohwells. yup but anws, thank God for this job and for my background that helped me get this job. the environment is great :) hooray. :) He does have a plan for me, a future that will prosper me, not harm me. THANK YOU FATHER! MY GREATEST LOVE TODAY! happy vday ppl! :) Sunday, February 10, 2008 CNY!!
chinese new year has come and gone!! haha what a joyful time of family bonding. i <3 my cousins and uncles and aunties and gramps!! weee :D thank God i didnt eat too much this year, need to watch my weight and hopefully lose some before i see him. IF i do. hahaha. PICTURES SOON!
talked to wangjunxia (friend frm shanghai) just now, haha really had a good time. think our personalities are too similar.. sometimes i totally understand what shes saying. and viceversa. its kinda interesting. hahaha. and she said many things that made sense and confirmed what i had in my head. ahahhaha. i realised common friends are really darn impt for longdist. hmm.. talking to her started me thinking about "what fellowship can light have with darkness" (2 Cor 6), but not really just in the marriage sense (according to the passage); more like friends-wise. hmm.. food for thought to chow on when i have more leisure time to write. valentine's day is coming! post-As is a season for boyfriends/girlfriends; at every gathering the subject matter inadvertently switches to matters of the heart (or the hormones). the peer pressure is definitely there, so i applaud and admire people like vanessa chong who has settled it with God already. like, she has that ka-pow! steadiness and resilience when it comes to this. "no bf now its okay, im gonna meet him one day anyhows, but i sure hope he's sexy!" kinda thing. hahaha. and mind you, its not cos she has the gift of celibacy like paul -_-. so i guess for once, the people to be envied are the singles, not the attached, cos in a sense the singles are the ones who emerge triumphant over their circumstances, the singles go through much more than those attached. they are the winners in life too! we always think the attached are lucky, dunno why boys drop down from the sky into their lives like the snow that poured down in shanghai. hello, the singles don't give in to peer pressure, and they don't let fate (or the boys that don't happen in their life) dictate their feelings and plans. singles are overcomers! hahaha! at least, the happy ones :) yes, so, kudos to all the singles out there :) for once, stop envying your attached friends, fill that need for adoration and love with GOD'S love and GO SPLURGE ON SOME GOOD FOOD FOR VDAY MAN OH YEAH! and for people who are straddling that middle ground, not here not there.. goodluck to us! i dunno what to say. hahaha. be happy thinking of the guy you can't go out with? hahaha. this sounds like, self-deprecating humour(less). for now, i need to settle down my heart and mind and get ready for work tmr! Saturday, February 02, 2008 他+她
他:对了,那天看到了你的msn名号,什么"i need a man",你有那么想要有个男人呀?
她:...晕... 后面: 他:啊,嗯,就知道你不可能是那种人! 她: ...晕... 真的,无话可说。 |