alphabetical disorder
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AHS . SCr&e . netball VJC 06S34 vjnetball <3 (: AQUILA!vivimus vivamus. WesleyMethodist YM
MAURITIUS! (full post!) moooveddd rambleshambles the movie that plays BACK! i hope you had the time of your life zipppp i need the thesaurus for tired. the 2nd button leave now, bye!
geri mel riana 06s34 classblog carmen kityeng puiyee samting shaun(chook) szehan wanyoong wilson wesleymethodist akuou *sensiblesblog* annabel ben lau ben tan elliot haoguang jason jolyn keith kenneth mag shawn ang tw wanlin anglican2005 angela caron charlene siyao vanessa xavier zhirong victorians alex darren clinton hannah jweiPAO nathanael sherwin [SYC] benedict gayne kangsheng longdy xinling valerie shirley
Friday, January 25, 2008 8colours!
its the colour test again! Utmost in your mind is success. You are constantly seeking stimulation and a life full of experience. You are trying to 'grow' and above all you need to develop freely and to shake off the shackles of self-doubt. You are an enthusiastic individual, full of life with the desire to live intensely. You like contact with others and are enthusiastic by nature. You are receptive to anything new, modern or intriguing. Your interests are many and you are likely to expand your fields of activities. You are optimistic about the future and you deserve every success because deep down you are a 'winner'. Being a somewhat gentle, emotional and sensitive person, you are at this time experiencing a considerable amount of tension. What you really need is someone who can be close to you and to listen to what you have to say. Everyone has to compromise at times and circumstances are such that at this time you are feeling the need to do just that. Put all of your hopes on the back burner and let matters flow for a time - forgo some of the things you want. The good times are just around the corner. For whatever the reason, you find it extremely difficult to sustain relationships - that is to sustain them in the manner that you would wish. You are a very gentle sort of person, full of feeling, sensitivity and susceptible to love and affection, looking and longing for a partner with whom you can enjoy 'All things bright and beautiful' - someone with whom you can seek out the more esoteric things of life. But up to now this person has only existed in your imagination. You are very choosy, appreciative, refined and extremely artistic in temperament and it is your hope to seek others who will allow you to form and express your own taste and judgement and who at the same time may assist you in your intellectual or artistic growth. You really would like to be completely uninhibited - to let your hair down - but you are held back by your sense of logic and rationalilty, since you realise that by simple stupidity you could lose everything - whatever that may be. hahaha its so damn weird cos its so true. i wonder why is it that choosing 8 colours in a certain sequence tells how a person is feeling? hmm. maybe i'll read up on that after SAT. HAAA. i went to photocopy stuff, and the auntie asked me 你现在在做什么?进修吗?haha i told her i was studying for SAT. but i continued musing on what she said. and yah i think it really struck me that now's the best time for me to 进修 and do whatever i want. for eg. spend a whole week in the library, reading what i want (not my notes!!), and coming out only to meet different ppl for lunch and dinner. ah. the delight! i can finally read about socrates plato aristotle, read chinese love novels (and share them with valeriephang haha), learn thai, read cookbooks for fun, read about history, psychology, human behaviour... i think deep down inside i'm really a geek/nerd. i do have this intense adoration for words and the mysteries they reveal when arranged lovingly by gifted authors. maybe thats why my posts are always riddled with alphabets and not pictures. haha. i should just make my journal private! haha. Wednesday, January 23, 2008 fooood
oh man. i'm craving for good food. argh. i'm not supposed to eat at goodfood places unless its a special occasion! arghh. and the next best excuse i can think of is valentine's day. oh no i have to wait like 20+ more days before i can eat good jap food! or.. nvm. =/ sigh. i'm transported back to the days of wishing i were a taitai and i had a rich boyfriend to pay for my expenses.
iko-i sashimi! drools.. and i suddenly am overcome with the desire to fry wontons again. HEH. i'm torn between earning money and working to enjoy. cook trainee = 5per hr, perks: learn new skills, and work near samting+wans! lows: its only 5 ohmy. admin job will pay better! might even be able to find 7 per hour. OR, if i get tuition kids.. aaaah. i think i can go taiwan already. lalala. TELL ME HOW. CAN MONEY DROP FROM SKY PLS THANKS SAT is coming!! Thursday, January 17, 2008
i was reading up on lit texts in preparation for my SAT, hoping that perhaps i'll glean some "examples" i can use in my essays. hahahah i became especially interested in lit texts, events in history etc after i read one model SAT essay which dropped "history textbook content" as examples all over the place. sounded awesome, hahaha and well it earned the perfect score. apparently history and lit students have an advantage in essay-writing, but that shouldn't stop a science student from having that advantage as well! google and wikipedia are our best friends, yes? haha.
so anyways i was reading this essay on pride and prejudice by jane austen, found here. as a lit noob, i dont know if this is normal fare students dish out for their essays.. regardless, i think it's a good write-up. haha. i wish i did lit, really. so much more interesting than.. okay nevermind, the subjects i did had their own merits too. mmm. haha. as i read this essay and thought about the plot, i'm reminded of the verse in Ecclesiastes, "nothing is new under the sun." although it is the olden-days' version of chicklit (accordg to jl), some of the concepts of romantic love are still as applicable in today's context. all the different kinds of romantic love possible- the "over-practical and pragmatic" marriage for comfort and an establishment (Collins and Charlotte), the marriage of "unthinking passion", based on feelings of the present (Mr and Mrs Bennet, Lydia and Wickham) the "love at first sight" and K-drama type of courtship marriage (Jane and Bingham), the "reason and reflection to balance passion" type of marriage (Elizabeth and Darcy). (credits to website found above) yup, it pretty much reflects the types of marriages that still exist in society today. okay, maybe not the match-made type, but it was mentioned in passing wrt Darcy & Lady Catherine's daughter or sth. haha. my point is, even though circumstances changed, eg. the kinds of obstacles, definitions of establishment and comfort, etc, the way Man loves and courts seems to remain immutable. so, isn't it fair to say romantic love is indeed universal and transcendent over time? in loving and in passion, isn't all Man equal? i was observing this foreign family on the MRT, and how the daughter tugged at her dad's sleeve, the dad ruffling her daughter's hair, how they were taking pics on their hp camera together.. it really struck me then and there that though love, having many forms of expression, the raw substance and emotion of it is felt so similarly among different skin types and people with vastly dissimilar cultural identities. it took me 18years to fully comprehend what that meant. that glorious, enriching love you feel for your special someone or for your parents, that poor kid down that dirt street in Africa feels in the same way too. are we really that different from that poverty-stricken child? why have we allowed cultural and class divides to draw such bold lines that differentiates us from them? we are, in essence, common Man. he needs as much as i need. he wants as much i want. he loves as much as i love. he dares, he dreams, he lives, as much as i do. at times like these when i realise how we are all the same, despite our lives and experiences being from two worlds, i remember God and His love.. and how His love is for the rest of Man too. not just for the educated elite, not just for my friends and my acquaintances. not just for those i can reach. but also for the rudely different, the weird and peculiar, the despised ones, the poor ones, the deviants and off-tandems. cos i think they feel that same love. [/edit] hahaha its like 12am now, and i'm so high and happy from supper with valeriephang! hahaha. im even more convinced now that my love language is quality time. hahaha. anyway i re-read my post and i'm like, i totally don't feel that way now! haha as in i think and believe in the same thing, but the whole mood and stuff just doesn't feel me now. like ah, i typed that? *cringe. oman i think i have split personality disorder. or schizophrenia. or sth. gasp. hahaha. no wonder mr tong cant read me as well as he can read other pple. lalala. whatever. to valerie: we need a man! a man! a meh-eh-eh-eh-an! :D Tuesday, January 15, 2008 TO BEL! hahaha
i was feeling so upset just now. a series of unfortunate events.
the home phone bill. the pocket money issue. guilt trips. the financial woes. cancelled assignment. long list of constructive criticism. feeling like a pest. disappointed. "what-the?"-ish. and, THE HORRIBLE BOY WHO BULLIED MY COUSIN. waaaaaa. aiiiii. but bel came along and brightened up my night :) thanks sis! my voice of reason! hahaha. you were really so logical and you made so much sense. i wish i could be as good at dispensing advice, and at listening (to you esp, in the future!). heh. i realised how petty my troubles were when i stumbled upon the thought that i'm blessed with great people like bel in my life. :) relationship and money problems just fade away and feel so.. irrelevant?, when i think about friends like bel (that includes u valeriephang - YOU DEFINITELY HV A HIGHER PLACE THAN HIM THANKS) and how it really should be the thing thts worth my time and effort in "worrying" about. haha. so thank you BEL! <3 and "sigh" to the horrible boy who hurt my cousin! even though he wont be reading this, still, i wish he wasnt so blinded! abcdefg argh. i feel so angry for valeriephang. =( okay goodnight! Monday, January 14, 2008 exams for SYC china pple!
这个星期一开始到星期五,亲爱的王珺霞,高国骁,吴海桑,任仲佳,都会在考试... 希望他们能考到理想的成绩!:)
我一定要努力做工赚钱!三月到上海时就不需向自己的储蓄“借钱”,通通都要用自己赚来的钱。祝我一臂之力吧!嗯,当然赚到的钱不只是我的劳,也是神赐的,让我找到一份好工作,有收入 :) 现在我周末在aroythai当waitress(不知道用中文怎么称呼,valerie说是餐厅小姐,哈哈!)一小时新币五元,虽然不算很多啦,但能省车费(aroythai在我家对面,很近!),每次晚饭都有机会品尝各种泰式佳肴,而且又有机会认识泰国人,可以练习泰文,哈哈。希望从说“谢谢”或“再见”,会进步到说“今天从教堂来的”之类话。哈哈。唉,我看我先把中文练好了再来谈学泰文的进度吧。哈哈。 好了,从现在到1月26日,一定不可以用中文博客了,因为SAT要到了!要练习英文的vocabulary(是语汇吗?)!嗯!"garrulous, superfluous, plebian" here i come... Friday, January 11, 2008 Hear us from heaven
Lord, hear our cry
Come heal our land Breathe life into these dry and thirsty souls Lord, hear our prayer Forgive our sin And as we call on Your name Would You make this a place For Your glory to dwell Chorus: Open the blind eyes Unlock the deaf ears Come to Your people As we draw near Hear us from heaven Touch our generation We are Your people Crying out in desperation Lord hear our song Your children worship As we sing out Your praise Would You make this a place for Your glory to dwell Hear Us From Heaven, Hear Us From Heaven, Hear Us From Heaven Tuesday, January 08, 2008 so i wait
its 1245 and he's 45mins late! haha i think he's probably busy.
went for class @ studio wu with beloved VALERIE! <3 hahaha. i like pilates its what i've been looking for! and girls hiphop's not bad too tho i think valerie is crazily in love with that class. hahaha. okay i'm just here to blog because i'm trying to occupy myself while waiting. lalala. i'm supposed to move to another blog address, which i've set up since a thousand years ago, but been too lazy to find a skin. hmm, actually i can still officially move even though the layout's not nice right. hmm. oh wells. hahaha. am excited for sensibles! i hope i won't get jaded as the year goes by. but He makes us soar on wings like eagles. :) which means, like eagles, after reaching a certain.. altitude? they just soar effortlessly with their wings outstretched, and no beating of wings is needed to sustain its flight. thats what Jesus promises when He says that those who wait on the Lord will soar on wings like eagles; no need to flap and flap to keep my head up. just.. wait on the Lord, dwell in His presence, for strength and renewal. so i shall put away my worries for now and rest on His promises, and have faith for the year ahead. :) and He reminded me, in my eagerness to do many things for Him this year and to be His hands and feet, i shouldn't forget to be His child. to dwell, to love, to sing to Him, to enjoy and to revel in His love. to delight in His character; His mercy, love, grace... to know Him more, to discover the "great and unsearchable things i have not known". (Jer 33:3) about You Lord, about who You are, Your heartbeat, to think as You think, feel as You feel! Your plans for the nations, for the people, for YM, for Sensibles.. to go deeper this year. and i need to study His Word more to do that! i really wish for the same yearning in his heart. the same hunger and passion. and i will keep asking God for it. because if i knock persistently God You will hear me. and if i ask according to Your will You will grant it. thank God for His promises (and will) which are good, pleasing, and perfect. :) Monday, January 07, 2008 中文!
看到了他前女友的照片,哈哈。 看来他喜欢的女孩子都是一类型的,眼睛大大,又双眼皮,还有像spencer所说的是twit,好像 "ahlian", 哈哈。虽然有点...但是我不得不同意他的说法。一定不会遐想。却联想到这一点:我一定不是那类型的女孩。哈哈。眼睛可能相象吧,但共同点就到此为止。我根本不"tia/teh", 超不对人撒娇!除非是作弄乾爹之类的啦,哈哈。唉。到现在我还搞不懂,他是否真正的喜欢我,还是喜欢上那恋爱的滋味。
嗯,今天陪samting吃夜宵,SAMTING 你真是个好朋友,谢谢你发的那条简讯,真的很感动!哈哈!wans 也一样!那么关心我,哈哈。真是幸福,blessed. 回家路途上,不知为什么忽然抬起头望着天,i mean, 普通人应该不会动不动就抬头望天吧。看到了那颗“最亮的星星”,就想起我们那晚的“争论”;那在天空最亮的星星到底是不是星球mars? 还是是一颗星?在那一杀钠不禁微笑了。美好的回忆...我记得对你说过,以后看到月亮星星,一定会记得你。说到做到! by tasting it over and over again, i hope to keep those memories alive til the next time we meet! 就算是站在朋友的立场见面也无所谓。除非你介意... “你开心就好”... 终于完成了第一个用华语写出来的post! 感谢神!哈哈 :) Sunday, January 06, 2008 VAE; 玫瑰花的葬礼
寻找我们来过的证据 没有人愿意提起 玫瑰花它的过去 今天这里的主题 我把它叫作回忆 我知道爱情这东西 它没什么道理 过去我和你在一起 是我太叛逆 现在只剩我自己 偷偷的想你 玫瑰花的葬礼 埋葬关于你的回忆 感觉双手麻痹 不能自已 已拉不住你 真的好美丽 那天的烟花雨 我说要娶穿碎花洋裙的你 玫瑰花的葬礼 埋葬深深爱着的你 残朵停止呼吸 渗入大地 没人会注意 一片小雨滴 陪着我等天明 我用这最后一分钟怀念你 我在夜幕笼罩的天桥上潜行 每一级阶梯 都留着你我昔日印迹 温存迷醉吵闹清醒 都还在我的脚畔兜转不清 没来得及把红色玫瑰递给你 爱就象是一场雨 已经离我而去 你说过 太过鲜艳的爱情终将凋零 玫瑰花的葬礼 埋葬关于你的回忆 感觉双手麻痹 不能自已 已拉不住你 真的好美丽 那天的烟花雨 我说要娶穿碎花洋裙的你 玫瑰花的葬礼 埋葬深深爱着的你 残朵停止呼吸 渗入大地 没人会注意 一片小雨滴 陪着我等天明 我用这最后一分钟怀念你 总是回想过去埋怨我自己 总是不经意间想起了你 现在的你已经太遥不可及 只能留在我记忆 玫瑰花的葬礼 埋葬关于你的回忆 感觉双手麻痹 不能自已 已拉不住你 真的好美丽 那天的烟花雨 我说要娶穿碎花洋裙的你 玫瑰花的葬礼 埋葬深深爱着的你 残朵停止呼吸 渗入大地 没人会注意 一片小雨滴 陪着我等天明 我用这最后一分钟怀念你 我用这最后一分钟... yay nice song. haha. i'm not emo-ing i just like the song haha. some parts me some parts you Wednesday, January 02, 2008 TAIWAN!
hello everyone! i NEED to blog about taiwan because its foodie paradise. hahaha. anyway, please set your browser settings to detect chinese simplified, cos i left some of the names in chinese. haha.
22 Dec, Evening first off, 沙大哥 and his whole family fetched us from the airport! after putting down our luggage at Hotel Miramar Garden Taipei (美丽信花园酒店 near 忠孝复兴 station), and packing the gifts for him, we walked to a nearby seafood restaurant for our first dinner in taipei! the food was GREAT, soo good, really expensive as well. i don't really eat much seafood cos i dont really like crabs/lobsters, but this time we had mostly fish, which i totally love. hahaha. so u can guess how much i ate. wait, don't guess please. heh. the place where we had our seafood dinner! within walking distance of our hotel! ![]() first up.. fish (li yu? i dont rmb what fish gasp!), really fresh and tender despite it being fried. and 麻辣 sotong! not TOO spicy, even tho it was still numbing. NICE. ![]() ![]() then we had cuttlefish that you dipped in a special sauce; fried eel (i still prefer grilled unagi to the fried version), i choked on the bones!; ![]() ![]() oolong tea! very thirst-quenching. one of them was sweetened (tho not too sweet). you wont get this in singapore. haha. then, this springroll thing with pork and leek. HIGHLY recommended please. hahaha. ![]() ![]() the hotpot with cabbage and pork. the broth is cooked with Mei Cai i think. there was charcoal in the middle of the pot, so the soup had an authentic smoky flavour. no joke man. the kick's in the smokiness. haha. next, braised pork knuckles! i think you can find this in Singapore too so not too special, but still, it was nice, not too oily. :) ![]() ![]() the carbs; fried rice and noodles. fried rice was good, worth a try, but just like any other GOOD fried rice in SG! noodles were only so-so, we didn't really touch it.. ![]() ![]() my favourite i think: 大眼鱼, pronounced "Dua Bak Hur" in hokkien! biggest eyes i've ever seen on an edible, steamed fish! and 沙大哥 transferred the fishhead to a plate just for me to devour. (check out the fish's EYE!) made me feel like a carnivorous monster. muahaha. THANK YOU! ![]() ![]() 沙大哥 and his whole family outside the restaurant. from left, 沙大哥, Ean, 沙太太, Kelly, Windy! on the right, all of us outside the restaurant! :) ![]() ![]() after the dinner, we walked back to the hotel and after settling down for abit, kor + rachel + me went to explore our surrounding shops for abit.. saw 7-11, familymart, and this roadside 蚝仔面线 stall! but the only thing worth taking photo at was this.. ![]() was really weird to spot this there, cos its supposed to be a high-class area, with office buildings too. then, a sex shop. hahaha. 23 Dec, first official day at taipei! breakfast was provided for in the hotel; took many pictures but im really too lazy to upload sorry! hahaha cos anyway, its not a taiwan specialty kinda thing, but i have to admit the hotel gives a decent breakfast. waffles and the wheatbreadroll deserves special mention! haha. after breakfast, aunt alice (from south africa) came with her whole family! met shirley and her sister, as well as their dad! ![]() ![]() top row: haoyang (kor), mr wu (their dad), shirley. bottom row: rachel, denise, auntie alice, mummy, sylvia. really happy to meet auntie alice again :) and of course, its always great fun to make new friends! haha! didnt get to talk much to shirley but still i think it'll be great fun to hang out with her. hopefully i can go over to south africa soon, or that she'll come over to sg during her hols! :) after that we took a rather long walk to SOGO, where 忠孝复兴捷运站 was. haha. the pic on the right's taken in the train.. ![]() ![]() more photos outside SOGO; we acted abit like retarded tourists who've never seen a SOGO in our lives. sigh. ![]() ![]() we took the train to 西门站 and started our shopping at ximending! shopped a lot! i bought 3pairs of shoes. and many other things. hahaha. here are some of the "roadside stalls" that came out around 5pm! ![]() ![]() other than shopping, we also played this hoops-shooting game at the arcade! haha. and we also ate the revered 阿宗面线! and, mummy bought 棒棒堂 for valerie at a shop near the arcade! haha. at about 5 or 6plus, Sha da ge fetched us and we went to Yong Kang Jie (永康街, i think) for 麻辣火锅!not many pictures; too busy eating. haha. there's this 打老婆菜 or sth, i don't remember the story much, except that it has something to do with the vegetables shrinking to a mere fraction of its original size after boiling. haha. although technically yes, other vegetables do that too, but this veg has uh, exceptional abilities at shrinking. haha. the other special thing i tried was pig's blood, or 猪血糕. not much taste the pig blood itself, supposed to eat it with the sauces you mixed on ur own (they have a complete sauce counter for you to get creative, not like singapore's steamboat places you go to). i guess you eat it for the texture. haha. well okay, maybe there was abit of the taste of the tanginess of blood. haha. ok, enough said. then there was the 手工蛋; looks like quail eggs but they're not. machine-made from real chicken eggs, 手工蛋 comes in bite-sized portions just like quail eggs, but have neither the fragrance nor high cholesterol level as the eggs they try to imitate. hehe. quite cute lah havent seen this before in singapore. ![]() ![]() 沙大哥 teaching me how to eat duck tongue, or 鸭舌. ![]() don't eat the parts where its near their windpipe/oesophagus, he says. hahaha. can eat the ligament, and the tongue itself. nothing very special, just the novelty of eating a weird bodypart and also, the fragrance of the 卤汁. ![]() ![]() a 点心stall worth trying along the 永康街 belt; also, a decent dessert joint! was too full to even consider visiting that place. after that, we were dropped off at ximending again and continued some shopping! haaha and reached the hotel exhausted. haha. 24 Dec, Christmas Eve! after a really slow wash-up and slack tv-watching-after-breakfast-break, we went to 五分埔, this like, wholesaler's market. didn't really enjoy myself cos it was raining and all. but, i still managed to buy quite some stuff! oops. what a spendthrift. sigh. Lord, please bless me with a rich husband please, or else, a well-paying job. so i can go back to taiwan and do my part for their economy. haha. (inside joke: think 沙大哥) ![]() ![]() my bro with those scandalous leopard-print ear muffs, and this coffee place we sat down at after a tiring half-day of shopping. haha. nothing very special the drinks there, but what was interesting was the menu (菜单) in chinese. my mum challenged me to read off the board all the names of the various coffee drinks (latte, macchiato, cappucino, americano, etc) and the tea drinks. hahaha. ![]() ![]() there was a roadside stall nearby selling betel nuts! those that turn your mouth a bloody red after chewing. serious. i never tried it, looked abit.. i dunno. unsightly? haha. its supposedly a snack for the lower-classes; if i'm not wrong, truckdrivers etc eat them to keep awake at night. ![]() ![]() then we walked on and arrived at this YUMMY 凉面 stall! woots. its called 姐妹凉面, and run by the 2 sisters below! :) they were very friendly when asked to take photos and all. highly recommended, partly cos of their service too! haha. :) ![]() ![]() below is a picture of the 凉面! its really more like a comfort food (think craving for carbs during PMS, or think mashed potatoes, but not the Maggi kind thx) than a special dish with exquisite/exotic flavours. ![]() ![]() the noodles are the right texture for a carb dish - not too dry, not too springy, not too soggy, waaaaa the 口感 kept me eating and eating! the sauce is peanut-ish, sweet, a little spicy, a little bitter, and the cucumber was really like gloriously refreshing! like, a "dulling" of the palate by the sauce counteracted by the sprightly flavours of the cucumber. OH MAN I REALLY WANNA EAT THISSSS AGAIN NOW NOW NOW! =( i like this more than 鸡扒 okay? haha. anyways, finish up the meal with a hot bowl of soup! :) not fantastic, kinda like a lot of MSG, but hey man, this is comfort food, whats important is not so much the flavour but the feeling it brings ;) well, then we set off again in search of more good food and good shopping! we found a bakery with yummy traditional 太阳饼, a pastry with malt and honey inside, but we felt that the malt filling was abit too stingy, so we didn't buy from there. i kinda regret actually, cos on 2nd thought it actually was one of the best i tried. yep, then we continued on and i saw this 菜饭 stall, 台弯 style! ![]() ![]() food is charged according to which "class" of food they order. same concept; meat one price, veg one price, etc. BUT, here in taiwan, people choose their own dishes! and, the boxes are different - made from paper, biodegradable, and therefore more environmentally friendly than singapore's 菜饭 stalls. (hmm, this sounds like an appropriate idea to effect a change.. campaign for styrofoam boxes to be out!) the lady on the right was preparing a mass order, i think. we then stopped by this stall to buy lots of sweet stuff. haha no pictures, but it was all good and yummy. redbeans! hahaha. and also 方块酥. =) yeah, then we rested abit at 松山车站, this railway station (not mrt!). then we crossed the 红桥 (red bridge) and arrived at 饒河夜市! (Rao He Night Market). there was a HUGE temple there, but i didn't go in, only mom did. ![]() ![]() and also, one MUST have the reputed 胡椒饼! (Pepper Pau, haha) i think maybe whats special is the fact that they use this charcoal oven to bake those paus. haha. ![]() ![]() 烧仙草! yums. haha. singapore only has the cold version. this hot version is perfect for the "taiwan winter"! hahaha. no jelly, just the chinchow taste, plus peanuts, redbean, pearls.. nice :) we also stopped by this shoe shop where kor bought his brown nike shoes! hahaha. there was this ULTRA lovable doggie :) i still remember him vividly okay! awww man i wanna go back there and give him a big hug! (even tho im not really an animal person..) ![]() ![]() then we returned to the hotel slightly earlier! cos we were quite tired already. christmas in taiwan is kinda unhappening. i think next time i wont go there over christmas! i'd rather spend it in singapore. hahaha. yep. counted down with mom over the tv -_- sigh. hahaha. the most sad christmas i've had in my life! haha. 25 Dec, Christmas Day at Taipei 101, 淡水,士林! first stop of the day, Taipei 101, the tallest building in the world! we took a train to 市政府站, then a shuttle bus to Taipei 101. we didn't go up to the top level cos we felt it wasnt worth the SGD$15, since its winter and cloudy and windy. haha. so we just took a photo at the visitor arrival centre! next, we stopped by NewYorkNewYork Shopping Centre. bought donuts from Mister Donut, and sat down at Starbucks for some coffee. i had toffee nut latte, yums :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() then, at about 3+pm, we started our long and arduous journey (juz kidding) to 淡水! was a really long train ride. yawns. since we haven't had lunch, we decided to walk around the 小吃店s in the area! oh btw, dunkindonuts there don't taste as good as other countries' outlets. a little stale. maybe cos of the cold weather? those sweets you see in 古装片, haha. and this really sour drink. sweet potato balls. again, its a novelty, not really worth your stomach space if you don't have much left to spare. and, i love the packaging of the drinks in taiwan; colourful and creative and everything! Singapore is just.. dull. plain. classic. not exciting at all. =/ 铁蛋: quail's egg dipped and cooked in 卤汁 for at least 12 times until it forms a hard, black layer around the egg, like a metal shell, thus explaining its name! and also, kor and rachel ordered this 大肠包小肠, thinking it was a 香肠 wrapped in a bigger bratwurst. but we all got cheated! the 大肠 was actually just glutinous rice! HAHA. we all had a good laugh about it. ![]() ![]() after that, we took a 公车 (public bus) to 渔人码头, and we went onto the lover's bridge (情人桥)! it was REALLY COLD man. there was this couple taking their wedding photo at the bridge, but the girl was so skimpily dressed for the weather! really pity her man! i found myself wishing i was there with a 情人 too. hahaha kidding! ![]() we tried to find good food to eat, but nothing much.. so we had almond tea, and left for 士林夜市! dropped at 剑潭捷运站, and started our eating escapade! :D 名副其实的士林鸡扒!and, some kebab thing that wasn't really impressive! haha. the ji pa really beats singapore's one flat. im never gonna eat ji pa in singapore. unless really no choice and the craving becomes too overwhelming. hahaha. ![]() ![]() well we shopped some more in the ye shi, and we played more hoops-shooting games! mom made friends with some random taiwanese clubber ppl. u know, those wild types. hahaha. exchanged cigarettes somemore! tsktsk. ate some 冷圆 thing that i suspect gave mom and me diarrhoea the next morning. haha. the whole 气氛很热闹, just like what a 夜市 should be like :) but at about 9+ we got tired alr, and finally went back to the hotel! 26 Dec, last full day at taipei! at about noon, we headed to 光华商场, this place selling electronics and appliances. finally kor got to shop for his own stuff! haha. quite nice la, the stuff there. like there are nice com accessories at reasonable prices. bought a really cute thumbdrive! hahaha. and other stuff. saw this really cute car! it had the a figurine of one of the death gods in death note! ![]() ![]() there was this really friendly couple operating this small 香肠 stall. yummy :) we had one with garlic, and one with blackpepper, both were heavenly! heehee. singapore's pasar malam 香肠 doesn't offer the sauce accompaniment. haha. ![]() then we headed to 西门町 again for more shopping! mom decided that we're gonna have a proper lunch/dinner this time round, like, a sit-down thing, not 路边小吃. so we went for this yummy Jap Curry place! katsudon, pork roll with asparagus and cheese, and chicken curry. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() the sesame+salt+pepper blend that we had to grind, then add to our curry for added fragrance; the green tea jelly! oh, the pannacotta (mangosauce) was HEAVENLY, i would go back there JUST to eat that pannacotta. hahaha. but of course i'll end up eating the curry too! ![]() ![]() the special 冰咖啡! ![]() hahaha after eating, we played MORE hoops-shooting games! and look at the banner: its supposed to say relax, not release! LOL. well, we continued shopping and shopping and shopping.. we drew NT$5000 from the ATM to continue spending! gosh.. there was this bag sale and we bought 4. SGD$40 gone like that! haha. then i saw this cute egg place that i wanna visit again the next time i go back taipei! haha. oh and we went to this sweet shop with these cuteee sweets below! hahaha. we then left at about 9+, and started looking for supper near our hotel! we discovered this awesome breakfast/supper place in a small lane! the pic on the right is.. i don't remember what its called. its nice. :) ![]() ![]() streetside 小笼包 beats singapore's DingTaiFung xiaolongbao. totally okay? haha. and, 饭团 with porkchop and egg and youtiao and cai por filling! ![]() ![]() 27 Dec, last half-day at taipei! awww, time to say goodbye to taipei =/ in the morning went to guanghua again, kor bought some stuff! yay im so happy to see him buy stuff. :) then, went to this supermarket to buy food! yay! hahaha i bought 杯杯面. heh. then we met up with mom and went to SOGO! bought food at the basement of SOGO (new building), and then with just 30minutes left, we spotted an ESPIRIT sale! muahaha so rachel and i speed-shopped (within what, 20minutes?!), signed credit card and blew SGD$140! wow. the fastest i've shopped. hahaha. and rachel and i RAN BACK all the way to the hotel! ahahahah! what an experience! :D we will make great shopping partners LOL <3!! okay, then 沙大哥 and his wife fetched us to the airport! arghh so sad, having to say bye to them =/ i reaaaalllyyy like the both of them! so sweet ppl! not forgetting funny! if they come to singapore i'll make sure i make time out to bring them around! (esp if their children come!) haha :P so yeah, we spent the remainder of our money at 新东阳 in the airport. haha. and then, we were on the plane back to singapore! awww i really miss taiwan. =/ oh btw, we had haagendazs on the flight back. hahaha. whew, finally this long post is over! hahaha. i hope IF i go to shanghai next year, i'll have as much exciting things to talk about! lol. GOD BLESS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR PPLE! Labels: travel |